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Everything posted by agentxyz2

  1. Great points. I hope they have already started thinking about these things as soon as the streamer wave began. +1
  2. We get it, you guys have made your side clear, if you want to keep chatting, take it to the version of this post that was moved to discussion. I'd like to get as many fresh opinions as possible.
  3. I appreciate the simplicity. Your response is the only one so far that has had a + or -1. Its a very simple suggestion, add a line or two of text to the rules that would deter bad behavior, I only see this as a net positive but others think otherwise it seems. "I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity" - Oliver Wendell Holmes
  4. I agree abusing the afk timer provides many benefits to the player, but the majority of what you conveyed above is your interpretation of the rules and not what they explicitly state. This is especially apparent in the fact that admins ban players specifically for walking afk and not any of the rules 1-15. Majority of reports/bans are held strictly to the rules, but this offence is unclear and unstated.
  5. As this is a simple suggestion and not a debate, please keep responses simple along the lines of +1 or -1 pertaining to if this rule/subrule should be added to the Server Rules. If you have major concerns please PM me.
  6. After Receiving some feedback on my original post and experiencing this first hand, I have come up with a simple suggestion for a rule addition. I suggest that the Eclipse team add AFK walking in a circle or Circumventing AFK timer through OOC forces as a Rule or Subrule. (To deter opportunists and clarify the gravity of the offence) Having survived the ban and appeal process and seen others banned in jail, there is nothing that can be done for myself, but for future new players I believe it would be helpful in deterring this behavior. Human nature dictates that unless explicitly told not to do something there will be people who seize opportunity. For example if the rules did not state Hacking/Cheating was against the rules, inevitably there would be people who did it for the simple fact that it isn't against the rules and its an opportunity.
  7. +1 Needs some options when people aren't on.
  8. @Yputi Apologies if I misinterpreted your stance, I just feel that things are drifting further from the posed topic. As noted in my OP, I'm simply asking if people believe Eclipse should disclose offenses that they have 'protocol to permanantly ban for'. For future posters reading, I'd appreciate a tighter focus to the topic. DM me if you want to continue the conversation. Cheers.
  9. @Yputi Yay or Nay is all I'm really asking for. It seems that you side with 'They don't need to disclose specific rules for you to get banned, as its their server'. That's your opinion and I appreciate your input.
  10. @Kyle White Raven Fair points, but I have some rebuttals. I'd prefer to minimize debate in the post and leave it for honest first opinions, but I'll DM you.
  11. @37hh @Loafism @hunt, I appreciate the responses, but I think your addressing this in the wrong direction. Instead of focusing on Me; this isn't about me. If you could respond to this scenario with a +1 in agreement or -1 in disagreement I'd appreciate it. Cheers. Player X was Specifically banned for "ABC" and not one of Rules 1-15 of Eclipse Server rules. "ABC" is not stated in the server rules. Do you believe that Eclipse should be responsible for disclosing "ABC" in their server rules? Simple as that, your +or- 1 will be much more helpful then analyzing my personal case, As example for Hunt who wrongly assumed I was in jail, Not having all the facts is not helpful, so its best to stay focused on the principle.
  12. you are correct, I did get banned (but has since been lifted as I didn't have bad intentions) and I really didn't want to place the emphasis of this post on myself because its the principle thats important. It was stated to me that "There are protocols that we ban for". Forget my personal experience, how you guys feel about being able to be banned about things not stated in the rules. Thanks for answering Swifty. @ThePro if your done replying thats fine but your opinion on the topic would be nice.
  13. I appreciate the cynical, reasonable, and pragmatic response cause it is a bleak situation. But it would really go along way if you + or -1 the post with your honest opinions of being banned if its not stated in the rules. Just your opinion. @ThePro. Thanks for the getting the ball rolling.
  14. How would you feel if...You were banned and assets reset, For something isn't stated in the rules? Should the Eclipse team be responsible for clearly noting offenses that could lead one to get banned in the server? They currently have this power, but with great power comes great responsibility. I suggest - They clarify any rules that they have "protocols to ban for" and waive banning power unless a specific rule is broken. They have the power to do as they see fit, but as Eclipse Citizens do we not have the right to transparency not tyranny. This isn't about me personally, I don't really want to push the topic to myself. Just give your honest opinions and (+-)1 if you think the Eclipse team should not ban for offenses not stated in the Server Rules.
  15. As of this moment the minimum refund request amount is $25,000. However, this amount is too high in my opinion, especially since it conflicts with another server rule inherently. If I'm correct: New Players can't be robbed unless in a crime zone? With a minimum loss value of 25k, this leaves new players with almost no justice or compensation. Most new players will not have 25k in goods that can easily lost through rule breaking/or other scenarios. For Example: A new players gets situated and buys a weapon and maybe some tools get himself started in the server. It's more than likely these items would only total up to 7k-15k at most. This player is then assaulted and robbed by a player breaking the DEATHMATCH rule. At this point, this player is left frustrated and with no means of being compensated for his money and time. These are the most important moments that will make players quit and get frustrated with the server. New players are a vulnerable class, and should have the means to recovery from frustrating and server quitting encounters. There are very few refund requests and I think the server can handle and SHOULD handle smaller losses beginning at $10,000.
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