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Posts posted by Bala

  1. On 4/17/2019 at 11:56 PM, Wizzidy said:

    I am not sure if I am the only one who feels this way but it kills the fun of the game to have police be so weighted by the rules. They do not have to value lives like cops, they don't have to protect like cops, honestly they are just a government funded gang. I agree there needs to be restrictions empowering the police because they need to get a second player catch-up, but also recently the cop tactics are to go to an armed robbery and run up with no lights or sirens on despite running red lights, and smash into the door of the store locking it in place which is already infuriating because it is unrealistic and feels helpless. Then we have the problem of hostages, right now the cashiers are not considered a life... criminals talk to them, they are allowed to be used to identify us, but the police can barge into 4 armed gunmen with no value for the life. I imagine some restrictions need to happen, them used to make demands can be overwhelming and a nuisance but maybe they should have to wait until the gunmen leave the store to charge with weapons and cars? It has just become too much rule play and trying to win, I see so often police telling us ((its allowed)) without ever even considering, is this fun? No car chases? No speaking or engagement with the police or hostages... the whole situation just needs a second look in my opinion. A couple of my suggestions are:

    Make the police value life, but make consequences for using a hostage higher... possibly by making them form a perimeter instead of just running in.  

    Make blocking doors explicitly against the rule, we all know that windows and back doors don't work in this game so it is cheese to have it otherwise.

    Make police have to make two or three explicit warnings before firing, right now they see a person run when they don't have a gun on them and they pull out guns and start shooting like IA wouldn't murder them for that...

    Lastly and this is not a rule restructure it is on us the players, lets remember the game isn't about amassing wealth and winning, it is about having fun and funny and interesting role play experiences, lets stop trying to do the minimum and make the role play better together 🙂 

    Kills the fun of the game when all the criminal factions are ALLIED with one another.

    As for armed robberies, you are holding a store owner up and stealing the money. That's YOUR choice. You are robbing someone and threatening their life in the process but you are complaining that we will use the wrath of god to bring you to justice so that you don't get away with it? Come on bro. That's like the people complaining about the speeding tickets, no one is forcing you to go over the speed limit or so far over the limit that you get a jail sentence.

    The role of a criminal at their most basic is to commit crimes to profit and evade capture from the authorities.
    The role of a police officer is protect innocents and bring those that commit crime to justice.

    You talk about blocking doors, why don't you have a look-out outside or a getaway driver?

    Police have the force matrix and we're not allowed to be corrupt IC or OOC without OOC authorisation and for good reason.

  2. I wanna start by saying that being able to participate in two factions at the same time is a good idea from the development team and it opens up some new possibilities for people to roleplay different stuff.


    I'm of the opinion that having to add an ID after /f to talk is unnecessarily inconvenient. The majority of faction members are still likely only going to have one faction so having to specify which faction you want to talk is an obstruction to them, they see no benefit from it.

    So what's the solution?

    Add the ability to set a primary faction in the faction menu. Then you can just use /f and it will go to that faction's faction chat. If you want to talk in another faction's chat, you can do /f 2 text or /f2 and it'll send it to that. It would also mean for example, if you are a cop and a taxi driver, you can just switch primary factions and just use /f if that's what you wish.

    • Like 1
  3. We go there when we are able to.
    Mechanics can't release vehicles as it's under police jurisdiction.

    I try to go there as much as possible but like Alex said, often times there is other more important things that require our attention.

    I don't however feel like we should be making money off the unimpounding because we're already paid very well and also, it might send the wrong message that we're impounding to profit.

    We're impounded because of parking offences and/or other crimes and it's a method of catching people.

  4. Oh you think it has no negative impact for you? 

    As a faction, you are only as good as your enemies and you don't have any. If someone does pick a fight with the 60 person faction, they have to contend with the other two factions backing them up as well. In every instance there, there is zero possibility to win. If there is no possibility of winning, why would you try?

    Why would Zetas care?

    Because it's your server too? Complacency = Boredom eventually. There is going to come a point where people get tired of robbing fishermen and farmers. I don't know the ins and outs of the faction history but it's my understanding that you guys allied because of Vice? Vice been gone and it's not coming back. It's gone because of this exact scenario, you fall out with one faction and the other two are with it constantly.

    I look at this new Marcello family and it's like, how long before you guys are squeezing them with your allies.

    What honestly is the problem with Zetas standing by themselves now? Like IC story aside, let me ask you what you would lose from doing that?

    • Like 4
  5. Something maybe you need to realise that being friends with your only real competition has a negative impact for everyone else and whether you realise it or not, your own factions.

  6. The OP is spot on, it's probably the hand-holding between the allied factions that caused Vice to close in the first place.
    Since then, the illegal faction scene has lost it's edge.

    Call me old fashioned but isn't the whole point of being in a faction, that it's you and your faction members against it all? 

    To make YOUR faction richer. To make YOUR faction more powerful. To make YOUR faction the most reputable.

    If you are all living out of each others pockets, the fuck is the point?

    • Like 1
  7. My suggestion would be that people be responsible for the crimes they commit in the server. 
    If you are getting more than 2-3 tickets, you just don't give a shit about the laws of the road and you'll get what's coming to you regarding the fines and potentially jail.

    I feel more sympathy for new players or people that get the odd ticket, but I feel no sympathy for repeat offenders who either speed as a way of trying to fight the system or just because they don't care if they get tickets.

    The tickets are only for such a small part of the city as well.

    If players are starting to rack up tickets and won't pay them, we need to start being able to seize property to pay off their fines.


  8. I'd venture a guess that they standard of roleplay in the PD is higher than the standard amongst criminals.
    Anyone can be a criminal but for example, cops have to go through quite a long process learning the ropes before they are even allowed to patrol alone.

    There are of course exceptions but nearly always, the police are acting correctly and appropriately. We do not arrest people with reasonable doubt on their innocence.
    Our job isn't to ruin people's game, it's to present a challenge to the criminals. Frankly, without us, there would be very little conflict in the server.

    Lawyer Roleplay is a good idea in theory but in reality, it would be a horror show. You can request a lawyer in game if you are being questioned but if you have been caught red-headed, you don't get a lawyer. That's just a practical sacrifice that the server makes. 

    If you wanted to do Lawyer Roleplay, prison times would have to be increased (no more 2hr max), it's likely that the violent crimes would deny people bail until their court date so you'd be locked up regardless and you'd only be released if your innocence was proven. Does that sound fun to you? There is more impact and room for abuse/malpractice doing that than the process we have now, let me tell you.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, BellamyJames said:

    Follow the damn rules. It’s not that hard, why do you think thousands of us have been accepted and are playing. What you are really saying here is that you don’t want to put in the effort it takes to find the appropriate answers... like the rest of us did. 

    This. The quiz isn't that hard. You just have to pay attention to the rules and think about what you are putting. Same applies to playing in the server.

  10. If /low was a radius of say 5, make whisper like 1/2. I don't know how the distance units work in the code, but if someone is right next to you or in your immediate vicinity, they get what was said to.

    Don't think you need to still make it player specific like it is now, unless you were to do like a /duoanim type deal where someone has to accept the whisper to get that private whisper.

  11. I can see where you are coming from, since there is a lot of robberies but I'd prefer PD to handle this as an IC issue to be honest, perhaps with an increased presence there.

    No Crime Zones to me should only be areas that have enough security that committing a crime would realistically get you caught or killed very quickly.

    You get robbed at the pier because it's secluded and out of the way, same goes with Paul's farm.

    I've regularly fished down there and been robbed a few times. Yes, you are easy prey but you have to let your guard down sometimes.

  12. 43 minutes ago, MarlboroRed said:

    When I changed the name, the name was not taken, thus why I'm using it, has a nice ring to it, Dezzy.

    Just seems a little strange to me that of all the names you could pick, it's a name that someone else has used before, Avon.

    But still, hey ho.

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