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Posts posted by iAchieve

  1. In the current state of the DOC, this is a big -1 from me. Today, on my criminal alt, which I don't play often, I attempted to RP a malfunctioning toilet within one of the cells I was locked in. I was told "You better not try to clog it up with toilet paper next time." I cannot image spending longer than two hours in this type of place. My constant calls for a guard so I can RP something with them are consistently ignored. As I said, I don't really play a criminal character, but raising the maximum time even more is absolutely insane in my eyes. 

  2. Nothing insane - I was just thinking that there should be a command that tells you how many players from another faction are currently on-duty. For example, if PD try to contact MD over departmental radio and there's no response, they could do a command, maybe /mdmembers, to see if there is anyone on duty. If not, they could proceed with stabilization. Same with PD and DOC, MD and PD, and more. 

  3. Date and time (provide timezone): Any time 

    Character name: John Newton

    Issue/bug you are reporting: NCZ not extending to entire area of Pillbox MD parking

    Expected behavior:  Not necessarily directly related to the bug, but players are stealing cars from the MD parking despite it being a NCZ. Some of them push cars out of the NCZ area and steal them.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Here is evidence of the NCZ only extending to the front part of MD: https://imgur.com/a/ZbNmejJ. From here onwards, it's not considered a NCZ: https://imgur.com/a/IUSAaRj

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