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Everything posted by Katia_Denisovna

  1. All right, I am new medic and I see how many phases medic needs to pass until he gets certified. How many things they should learn and what a heavy RP it is. It is a long process. And police just can /stabilize patient so easy? Wooow. That's nonsense. IMHO, the only compromise I see is to learn all those phases as a police officer too. And to be police officer with medic cert. Then you should able to help people treat their injuries. And if only medic units are 10-9. Saying "oh no, there is not enough medics now so how can you remove this option?" How can you attract more medics when police can easy /stabilize a patient? Just how? Of course, then it is better to apply for PD. Prove me wrong. It should be only medic option to do that. Or you honestly think that in reality police comes and BOOM you are healed? I do not think so. They do CPR's and have first-kit aids but that is all. Of course, in every country it is different. Just saying from mine experience. That's my opinion. +1 to all Triple Seven's ideas.
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