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Posts posted by alexalex303

  1. 5 hours ago, Scar. said:

    A big reason why people play RageMP roleplay instead of FiveM is because it supports such a large playerbase, you can be with 10 of your friends... 20 of your friends doing whatever you wish to do. Having hundreds of people on one server at a time. Adding a rule like a "rule of 6" destroys that luxury that most people love about Rage.

    Large alliances also destroyed people's ability to play the game. 

  2. A VIP Is a person that donated to help keep the server running, any removal in perks needs to be motivated well.

    If this a concern of balance, I could easily argue that removing VIP from Motorcycle fuel consumption is more impactful; try BF400 with and without VIP, it's a different bike.


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  3. 7 hours ago, Bala said:

    I'll have a chat with the powers that be, see if we can work out a solution between us.

    Think understandably there isn't a desire to have loads of active labs but perhaps a slight increase with more potential locations would ease the congestion.

    The issue is budget criminals making it their goal to disrupt them on purpose with law enforcement. No amount of locations can solve that. We need a script prevention to having too many labs destroyed at once. Imagine if a single player could remove all choppable vehicles from the map, or a single player could turn off all banks in the server. That is exactly what is happening with drug labs. It's not alright.

    My proposed solution would be to have the script check, and if 2 or more labs were destroyed, they should respawn instantly at a new location.

  4. There's been an uptick in players whom spend the vast majority of their play time going from lab to lab and calling 911 whenever they see anyone else there, resulting in the lab being destroyed by law enforcement.

    I believe in the past, unless the lab was directly involved in the crime, law enforcement would not destroy it. It's not great for realism, but it's needed for gameplay reasons. The new system currently sees three active drug labs, and most of the time one is destroyed by law enforcement.

    My proposal is simple: law enforcement should avoid destroying drug labs unless they were clearly involved in the situation (i.e. raiding a gang cooking at a lab).

    One malicious actor with a phone should not be able to remove a large percentage of scripted labs by themselves, nor should they be aided by law enforcement in doing so.

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  5. -1

    Every report is handled differently, based on its specific circumstances -- no two situations are exactly the same. If people base what is allowed on what happened in x report or y report it creates a very rule-play-y atmosphere. 

    People should instead ty to immerse themselves into their characters and their surroundings, and do what they feel is realistic at any given point. If it ends up that it was a mistake, then, they know to avoid it in the future. I think with a lot of punishments being relatively relaxed, no one should feel in fear of being removed for one or two mistakes. 

    Just act in good faith, do stuff that makes sense, and you don't need to analyze stuff.

  6. 30 minutes ago, ComradeCorbyn said:

    Nobody in organized crime, even Italian-American organized crime, dresses like this. If you want to roleplay a crime family from 70 years ago, that's fine but there's plenty of clothing to roleplay a modern crime family, people just opt for gang colors due to poor standards.

    I ran an organized crime group that did not have a color for six months and we had people say that we were inactive because we weren't seen around. The fact of the matter is that unless people see you around regularly, they will assume you do not play. The only thing we gained was lack of police attention, but that was not worth the drawbacks, therefore, we now use a color. It is not ideal, but end of the day, it is a game and compromises are made. But it's not just "poor RP standards". 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Demonmit1 said:

    How would it be possible to get those cops to properly respond with a reasonable amount of force? 

    The best way to get cops to properly respond with a reasonable amount of force is for criminal roleplayers to respond with a reasonable amount of force.

    People started ambushing cops at traffic stops over relatively small things, therefore, law enforcement started having a good number of units present at every traffic stop.

    People started using shinobis to evade law enforcement excessively, therefore, law enforcement started using shinobis to pursue those bikes. 

    Law enforcement is for the most part, a reactionary job/faction, and their policies will reflect what is needed to police the server. 

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