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About Ceathor

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  1. Can we add another suggestion to this? This has probably been suggested before but I don't see it in the thread so here goes. Patient self-healing at the MD Allow anyone to go inside the MD and type /admit to admit themselves to the hospital. Then, based on the amount of health they have, they'll stay in the hospital for 1-5 minutes getting "treated" while their health slowly go up. This would get rid of the most annoying part of being in the MD, and that's everyone running up to you asking "CAN I HAVE A BANDAID" "CAN I HAVE A PAINKILLER" whenever you arrive to the MD or even when you're out on calls. IRL there would always be someone in a hospital to take care of patients so it doesn't make sense to me that this feature doesn't exist already.
  2. Hey! I found your server today, back in the day I was active on San Andreas Multiplayer Roleplay servers and I also scripted and ran one at one point, so I got pretty excited when I found out there's a Roleplay community for GTA V. I went through the registration process and found out it ends with an application process with manual reviewing. Fair enough, I submitted an application and assumed it would be approved within a few minutes as one could expect from such a large community. Unfortunately it seems the admins don't have enough time to go through applications (and I don't blame them, it's a lot of hassle) which means I've now waited several hours for my application to be approved. That is pretty discouraging and I think that process scares a lot of potential players off. Of course it helps get rid of those who aren't interested in playing seriously, but I think that quiz with the automatic response validation would be enough to ensure the quality of new players. Just a little feedback from a newbie Your server looks pretty interesting so I think I'll stick around. TL;DR: Wanted to play RP, got discouraged by the waiting time EDIT: By the way is there any way I can check if my application is approved other than logging into the game?
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