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Everything posted by IAmTheWolverine

  1. -1. It's not illegal IRL to drive while deaf or otherwise hearing impaired.
  2. Massive +1. Guns are worthless for self defense at the moment.
  3. As it stands, everyone who owns a gun on this server does the classic waistband carry. That is simply not realistic. In real life, almost everyone who cares about using guns for self defense uses a holster of some kind. Not only do they reduce the risk of the gun getting caught on your belt or, even worse, the trigger accidentally pulling, they substantially speed up gun draws. If someone in real life took the five-odd seconds it takes to draw in Eclipse, they would be lambasted by the carrying community. To fix this, I propose Eclipse adds a new clothing slot for holsters. This could be as simple as a single In Waistband (IWB) holster, or it could include a variety of Concealed and Open Carry options. Ideally, open carry holsters would be slightly faster than concealed carry to draw, with the obvious lack of surprise as a drawback.
  4. With the current system in place, running a self-made business is almost impossible without being online 24/7. You have to actually walk to another player and give them money in person- I do not believe this is realistic. For example, if I were to open a courier service, I could not have employees from different timezones or that I did not absolutely trust at a personal level- the risk of theft or fraud would be much too great. They would have to count on me to meet somewhere and pay them on time, every time, and I would have to count on them to do the same with my profits. If I was offline, I would have to trust them to keep accurate books so I could get my fair cut. If they were able to, for example, deposit money into my account instead, this would alleviate some of the problems. I would he able to hire from different timezones, and audits into employees would be much easier with accurate records of payments and times.
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): September 17, around 9:00. MST. Character name: Chad Camoran Issue/bug you are reporting: I paid a 750$ fine to the police for public intoxication, and just looked at my bank account. They took ten times that, 7500. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: No evidence except the ticket, the arrest itself was very buggy and had to get an admin involved, no clue.
  6. **Your phone would light up with a text message.* Hey there Red! This is Chad. I'd be happy to do some film work, if you'd have me. HMU if you'd hire me!
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