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About Matt_Borisow

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  1. From information I gathered, it's scriptly made, that 100% of money goes into DCC funds from what the clients pay. Just do, that 10% - 20% of the fare goes in to the cab drivers pocket. It would make accepting calls much more meaningful, because right now (except from the RP scenarios which aren't a lot of those in DCC) there is no meaning to accepting the calls, I'd rather just sit near bank in my car and watch a movie. Post job gives you 300-500 for delivering the packages, garbage job pays for the garbage and so on, why taxi job doesn't? It just doesn't make any sense to me. In real life, the taxi company you work for, takes a bit of commission from the money you earn. Maybe the DCC could assign a percentage of the fare you get. Like first rank employees would get 5%, second 10% and so on, the Managers (or whatever, i don't know who can change that) could change it.
  2. First of all, i want to say how utterly stupid the car breakdown system is. You could basically make a tour driving around the city and saying "On the right we can see a white warrener that hit a tree in the 1930s. That vehicle survived Pearl harbor and WW2, and even saw 15 thousand people trying to steal it". Most of you probably have already dealt with your car breaking down. Today my car broke down and i had to wait 20 minutes for a mechanic (230+online, it said 6 mechanics online), After those 20 minutes i just decided to explode my car so it would appear in mors, what apparently isn't possible. I spoke to a few mechanics and they said, that they have too much requests and it's just very hard to catch a call. The reasons are : Because of roleplay standards, there aren't enough mechanics to support such a vehicle breakdown system. To join the job you have to file an application, then go through a interview and so on, which a lot of players find annoying, but that's just roleplay, so you can't do anything here. The cars break down just too fast and there aren't any ways to fix them except calling the mechanics. How to fix this : Make a toolkit system, players could use it to fix their car to 500 health. To fix to 1000 they should go to mechanics like it is now. The toolkits may only be sold by mechanics, so they wouldn't lose a lot of work. If it's possible make a rope system, so players could tow each others vehicles with it. (Maybe also add a chance that it breaks or something) This would make SO, SO much difference in the game. Right now if your car breaks down, you can just abandon it or try to destroy it, because there is almost no chance to get a mechanic, because of their workload.
  3. Thank you for explaining this, I haven't played a lot here, so I didn't know all this.
  4. Okay, so this is really getting out of hand. Today, after 3 hour session with 140-180 players online, i was robbed 8 times, yes, 8 times. Maybe some of you aren't surprised by this, because this is just "normal" day in eclipse, but that's not how roleplay works imo. Even if you get caught robbing someone, you just go to jail for maximum a hour, and you go out happy about it. I think this shouldn't be like that. In my opinion, for recurring crimes, the jail time should double. For example, first time you get caught robbing someone - 2 hours in jail, second - 4 hours, third - 8 hours. And after 10th time doing the same crime, you get life time sentence and your player is deleted. This would make MUCH MUCH MUCH more sense, because in real life you just don't go around robbing people and sitting few hours in jail for it. That's basically the biggest nonsense in this server, apart from this, playing here would be much more enjoyable. Maybe this has been posted before, but, please, don't ignore this. Of course, gang member will say that everything is normal here and it should be left like that.
  5. I've been struggling a lot with taxis and citybees past few days. I end up in town far away from los santos and when i need to take out a city bee faggio, it doesn't let me, because there is cabs available. Whenever i call a cab, it takes a lot of waiting for them to accept my call and sometimes they don't even accept it, so i have to ask someone to give me a ride. My suggestion would be, that i could take a city bee faggio whenever i want. Also, there could be 3 different city bee sizes, for example the smallest ones that is outside of the city would only have faggios, the larger ones would have faggios and Ingots, and the biggest one which would be in the city center would have faggios, Ingots and an examplars. The prices would be different for each one. I think it would help a lot of people with getting from one side of the map to the other, because DCC is usually hard to reach.
  6. Issue Being Reported: So there should be text on the bottom of my screen saying when i unlock my car or how many meters away is my taxi driver when he accepts my call, but it isn't there. There is nothing wrong in resolution or something like that, because sometimes the text appears and dissapears after like half a second, so i can know the placement is correct. It is not an urgent problem, but it would be great to have it resolved. Thank you. Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): No specific date or time, I noticed this yesterday Your characters name: Matt_Borisow Other player(s) involved: no Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: no
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