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Posts posted by Dashingly

  1. On 10/8/2019 at 1:54 PM, alexalex303 said:

    5. In an ideal world, heavily armed and heavily organized criminal groups would cower in fear as two officers, one african-american bald officer, and one red headed caucasian officers get out of their car, and start pointing guns at a group of twenty of those heavily armed individuals. They all should run away from the officers and avoid them?

    @ me next time fiend 

    @Phil McGee

    • Like 1
  2. +1 mostly,


    the only reason this is in the game is because too many people say they have no ID on them and rp they have no license on them (despite often times not RPing it). the only option cops have is to RP fingerprints, if they don't have fingerprints on file and they still refuse to RP it we have to call medics who will then run a dna test, in some cases players will still refuse to rp with that, the only option we have is to force the RP (of the DNA) and then type their ID's to get there full name.


    it would be nice if this wasn't the case, but sometimes we're forced to use ID's.

  3. It's such a serious punishment that I can see why it's warranted, but if a player has shown some rehabilitation and hasn't committed the offense for several months then that should be taken into account.

    It shouldn't be so rigid that it's automatically:

    1. first offense DM 60 minutes admin jail

    2. second offense permanently banned from the server; with your only opportunity to return via appealing.


    It should especially take into account the severity of each offense. If a player commits a clear DM, for instance, just driving up to another player and with no interaction just running them over; that should be a more severe punishment then 2 players communicating/RPing and escalating to a situation where DM occurs. In my opinion.


    Overall +1.

  4. I sympathize with you, and totally get what you mean. Although I'm not a female, I'm treated like a piece of meat just walking down the street. @Phil McGee

    I hope a good solution is brought forth there are some decent suggestions but its tough to limit people from speaking derogatory to other players. Randul's suggestion is good, if a player is feeling harassed about something maybe they can't help, like being a female, or gay, or having an accent, you should be able to say in /b that you're uncomfortable and it should end there. A rule like that would be pretty easy to implement, I think.

    I knew a player who quit because he had a speech impediment and people would nonstop flame him as soon as he started talking, which is fucked up and should never happen. 

    Anyway, I'm all for a rule put in place that would limit players from being harassed or being made uncomfortable ONLY for things out of their control (sex, voice, sexuality). probably at least.

    • Like 2
  5. Yeah, most likely if anyone has this issue it has to do with your resolution. Is the bottom of your game cut off? When you talk with N or M, is the text that says TALKING cut off or not visible at all? If so, your resolution is off, go to your graphic/video settings in game and change the resolution.

  6. yeah car stalling should be much harder and/or be made much more consistent. A kick from any player will render any vehicle useless for 15 seconds, that is really bad design.


  7. Our players should either be able to lift more than 50 volume, or the volumes need to be drastically adjusted in my opinion. A single radio weighs 5x the volume of an assault rifle with 200 bullets of ammo. A bobby pin weighs twice the amount of an AK. 

    100 bobby pins in real life weighs 2.4 ounces, which is like 1/6th of a pound. We would be able to carry like 100 bobby pins just in our pockets alone. 

    I propose some changes be made such as bobby pins weight being reduced to 1 volume. A radio being reduced to 2 volume. And AK's and other heavy weaponry increased to 10-20 volume+.

    I'm sure there are other discrepancies in volume but these are the two biggest ones I can think of off the top of my head.

    • Upvote 1
  8. It's tough because if a cop dies with their cruiser up north and someone steals it, they can't do their job anymore. Maybe make it so that you can spawn 2 work vehicles at a time if your a cop? Idk.

    It is annoying when you've stolen a cop car or tow truck and want to RP with it for a bit and it just despawns.

    Probably a +1 for me if cops are still able to do their job

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, deputy865 said:

    I always comply, but it still leads me to being shot sometimes. Take last night for instance. I got robbed and the dude told me to "leave and never come back".. to which I started to run away. Once I started running, the dude started shooting at me, so I paused. He continued to shoot, reloaded and killed me. I reported him and he stated he only shot me because I started to run away, which is what he told me to do. The admit gave him a "verbal warning only" for what he called "borderline deathmatching". I'm glad to know he was wrong in the situation, but he got to get away with my stuff annnd a slight tap on the wrist. 

    You should report that player for deathmatching, I wouldn't accept a verbal warning from an admin. If that is exactly what happened, then it is 100% deathmatching and that player should be punished, a verbal warning means nothing. 


    3 minutes ago, deputy865 said:

    I don't want to argue forever about 1v1 robberies... but some people do know self defense. In fact, someone pointing a gun at your head close range is one not entirely complicated to get yourself out of. Not saying it should work EVERY time... but if its a 1v1 situation, the victim should have some sort of chance to help themselves. Worst case, they fail and die and lose everything anyway. Maybe this would slow up the rouge robberies and the "hands up this is rob" type crap. Like I said in one of my sections, I usually hide my stuff, so I welcome a robbery... you're just wasting time haha.

    Yeah in a 1v1 situation maybe something could be changed where the player could try to wrestle the gun away from the robber, I think on paper this could potentially work, but in practice, players would just be way more trigger happy I think. Still it might be worth trying.

  10. 50 minutes ago, deputy865 said:

    First of all, I think its wild that the Gangs run this town. I actually resent all gangs at this point for what they do to me in-game constantly. More police needed or something? This is also my first RP server I've ever played in... my RP skills might not be perfect, but I'm a smart person, adaptive and I feel like I keep in character very well. I'm learning. Anyway, I'm getting a little tired of the following action:

    There's not really a good solution for gangs running the town, most people join this server and join a gang straight away because that's how they have the most fun. I agree that it can be super annoying for people to run up on you with guns and take your stuff but what would the alternative be? Ban gangs? Ban gangs from doing robberies?  The best thing you can do is just put yourself in a position where its hard for you to get robbed, I.E go to the least popular drug lab, always have your finger on the trigger the second anyone walks in and be ready to defend yourself incase they try to rob you.

    Gang RP does need to be drastically improved though, it sucks when nearly every interaction you have with anybody that's not a government worker (mech/PD/MD/etc.) leads to a robbery or gun fight. 

    55 minutes ago, deputy865 said:

    I'd like to say I'm not in a gang and I'll never been in one. Its not my style. My character is not a follower, he is a leader. Anyway, this is a SUPER common interaction. Or I'll be at drug labs making drugs (where you screen is blurred and you can't see much) and someone will run up behind me, mic spamming for me to put my hands up, rushing me (borderline Powergaming?), etc. or they will shoot - which sometimes they have.

    Have you tried starting your own gang then? If youre not a follower, and don't want to join any gangs then try forming your own if you want to do criminal activities without getting harassed by gang members.

    Again, the "hands up this is a rob" RP is annoying and bad, but there's not really a good solution to the problem. The only thing you can do is try and outsmart the criminals or don't put yourself in that position (being alone in a dangerous area with valuable stuff on you).

    1 hour ago, deputy865 said:

    What I don't like is all of this "/do succeed" crap.. Why even bother with that because if I say "no" or do anything other than comply, I'm shot or /occ'd for "Fear RP"... Its just a little annoying. Just point the gun at me, frisk me, take what you find and go. I'd be fine with that... I personally love the KoS rule and I still patiently await my time to act on it!

    The reason your shot for not complying with someone that has a gun to your head, is because you didn't comply to someone with a loaded weapon  to your head. You may not like it, but this is exactly as intended. In real life, if someone had a gun to you and told you to empty your pockets, you probably would with no hesitation so you don't get shot. Since this is an RP server and some players don't really care about their characters life, there must be a fear RP rule in place.

    1 hour ago, deputy865 said:

    Do I need to report players more for rule violations?

    Yes, if a player breaks the rules and its damaging to the roleplay situation or the server, you should report them. No one likes players ramming sports cars into you and telling you to pull over, and the only way to deal with them is to have an admin explain the rules to them so that if they keep doing it they get removed from the server.

    1 hour ago, deputy865 said:

    Where are the police?

    There's a shit ton of police, but at the same time it feels like there's no police, right? I swear, the amount of times I call the cops and get no response and then 5 minutes later I see 3-4 cop cars for a minor traffic stop is astounding. There are a lot of cops, but there could always be more and they could allocate their resources a bit better. 

    1 hour ago, deputy865 said:

    1v1 robberies should NOT always be 100% successful (Fear RP amendment?)

    In a 1v1 situation where a player at close range has a gun to you before you have your gun out, the robbery should be successful 100% of the time. If it's any other way, players will just roll, pull out a gun and attack the robber, when in real life they would never do such a thing otherwise they would just get shot attempting it.


    1 hour ago, deputy865 said:

    Need more things to do besides work or do crime.

    Hard agree. The reason there is a lot of robberies is because if you don't have a government job, you're either robbing people or getting robbed. Some players take initiative by making up their own roleplay situations such as hosting parties, car shows, street race events which is super cool.

  11. 1 hour ago, TheCanadian said:

    Maybe there could be a good in-between? such as 15mins total? I.E if you got killed on your bike by hitting sodium and flying 500feet high then crashing, calling the medics waiting for 10mins and they dont show up, when you get to MD you only gotta wait for 5 since you already waited 10mins while injured.
    Whereas if you got in a gang fight, got clapped and the guys waited lets say 1minute to finish you off, you would get into a 14minute coma since you only waited 1 minute injured.

    This is a great idea if the coma system is 100% gonna be implemented, it should work like this.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, Marca said:

    My only complaint is that VOIP is very quiet at times for some players, so you have to ask them to type. If anything, I'd like to see /voicevolume make a comeback, preferably with the ability to control each players voice individually. 

    This 1000%, why get rid of options that allow players to adjust things to their preference? Bring back /vv, and it'll never happen but I +1 bringing back old voip for now, it's been shite for like 3 months and there's been like 2 updates to fix it that have brought more bugs and make it more frustrating.

  13. +1 to the suggestion. Players should be able to view the video that could potentially get them banned or in trouble. Not only will it benefit the server by showing an example of a rule break (or what's within the rules), but it will also benefit all parties involved in the report.

     If it's too hard or too tedious for admins to add a blur or square box over their chat logs, perhaps the player(s) being reported should be privately sent the video of their alleged rule break (just like the admins get sent the video privately).

    1 hour ago, Flucifial said:

    You shouldn't need to see evidence of acts that you did, you should remember it and if you don't that's your issue. Evidence at the end of the day is more for the staff member than it is the reported party. 

    That's unreasonable. You can't be expected to remember every situation that a rule break may or may not have been involved in and on top of that at the very least the party that is being reported should be able to view the evidence held against them. How can you defend evidence against you if you don't know what the evidence is?

    To use an example that happened to me, I got punished for failRP because of a video a support member sent to an admin. Everyone involved in the report were unable to view the evidence and we all got punished. I made an appeal showing my POV, that completely disproved the FailRP charge I got. But if I was able to view the evidence of my alleged rule break, I would have been able to defend my side adequately and save a lot of admin time. All the past appeals got deleted when the forums merged otherwise I'd post the thread of my appeal.

    I've seen threads get accepted (and rejected) with edited chat logs before, an exception could be made for support members to blur their chat logs I'm sure. If that's impossible then maybe sending an admin a video of the unedited copy and then posting the edited copy could work as well.

    ❤️ to flucifal still

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  14. +1000

    new system is shite (right now), but I think that might be on rage's end. theyre running tests on the voip to hopefully get it sorted soon.


    • Fix voice chat not getting cleared properly after setting "voice3d" to false
    • Improve voice chat playback thread synchronization mechanism, so it doesn't affect anything else
    • Fix reported voice chat crashes


    but as it stands now if it is possible, bring back the old voip. who even asked for a new voip system when the other one worked (mostly) perfect.

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