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Everything posted by 68Gas

  1. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    Make profit - then sell it again to make your initial money back. You don't lose unless you're a shitty business man. buddy was trying to 2x his initial investment instead of passive income xd as if i'm lonely lol - i started an account under the gas station to run events when i first bought it - you truly are the definition of an idiot; look at this account and tell me where the "dedication" was put in; other than making the acc cause there's only 20 posts & 10 of them are in this thread.
  2. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    I love how you guys keep commenting - it seems like you guys care more than me at this point. I've already made 200k-250k since posting; and I've done nothing but read all your crying about the price. I don't see any other gas station selling; gl once again folks.
  3. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    You can archive the post - not selling for anything less. Seems like more of a you guys issue than mine, if you cant afford it or even if you don't want to buy it cause its too expensive then move on to the next investment opportunity. I can happily keep the gas station - there's no loss in making passive income for doing absolutely nothing. GL
  4. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    for doing absolutely nothing except placing a blip every week? yeah lol sure- ill brag. not a chance - you never placed blips, never ran events, never even cared about the place in general.. just in vending machines ive made over 200k, & thats not counting the 1M + the gas station already brought in; paying for the ads & blips itself + more. not even close bud. GL to all, not lowering the price - invest elsewhere if you're looking for a cheaper price.
  5. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    16M - It makes profit & i've made well over a mil & havent owned it for a year. Not going lower.
  6. 68Gas

    [Selling] 68Gas

    Lol what? What's not to trust? - I'm the owner of the property and selling.. If anything, there's no one other to trust than me. Price is already on the door, don't post if you cant afford it. If you got the $ you can buy it; nothing to do with trust bud.
  7. Title says all - price on the door.
  8. I’m in no rush to sell it whatsoever; it has its value. If you don’t see the potential, it may not be for what you need it.
  9. Hello, Price at door - 1M; not selling for less. This place has massive opportunities to do many different things & events. Images below.
  10. Soon, everyone is going to have to buy at the $30 ridiculous price.
  11. Same thing happening to 68Gas; not able to make orders.
  12. I posted 750k first, therefor. 750k on my part! XD
  13. Same happened here for 68GAS - It reset back to 0 and is now starting back over - Thank you guys for being ontop of this issue so quickly!
  14. Do you have a portfolio; or can you upload some previous work? Also, what is the fixed price on services on Logos. Thanks
  15. Looks like he sold it for more than 1m, that’s awesome!
  16. 68Gas


    Is there a price you’re looking for? Is there a price on door or taking offers?
  17. Thank you, this property was much appreciated! Bought for 700k price was on door.
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