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Posts posted by Soupiestfork

  1. On 4/22/2024 at 10:52 AM, Quietthecutie said:

    a tentative +1.

    In total agreement that the current drug production systems are unfulfilling and heavily geared towards larger groups with the capability to hold public labs, or the super rich who own island property where they cannot be disturbed as they cook outside. the only way for small time crims to cook drugs presently is through the use of RVs, which can only hold about 3 tables if you are being honest about placement. this produces less income per hour than "working" at burgershot does.

    As i have said before. Private labs were removed and nothing was added back in the fill the monumental hole that was left behind. cooking in private labs was a moneymaker that so many solo/small group crims used and now its gone with nothing to fill that space. as a result cars to chop are more scarce, Stores to rob are more scarce, and the competition for public labs is hotter than ever. 

    I dont think that private labs should be brought back in their original format. but its clear that something, anything needs to be added to help divsersify criminal roleplay.


  2. 10 hours ago, AtlasOLimbo said:

    Once again, as @idgafashlee said, the lack of self-awareness is concerning. Are you trying to argue that PD should not try and show a superior ability to roleplay in the scenarios they take a part of? The situations you are describing are against the rules. And should be reported. Not taken into your own hands. This is the problem with every "crim v. cop" argument I've seen on the forums. Both sides seem to have complete ignorance towards their own actions, to a blissful degree. If we want to get anywhere in discussion, their must be some review of one's self and concessions made.

    Emboldening your text and making it bright red doesn't add any value to your argument, if anything decreases value.

    edit: The founders have also prompted that individuals should NOT be forced to roleplay a tazer's long-term effects beyond the actual taze itself. Take of that what you will.


    This 'W' mentality cuts both ways.

  3. What if there was a longer taser 'reload timer', but the tradeoff is that upon getting tased, the character is limited to the injured anim / speed for like 1-2 minutes. That would severely hamper crims being able to just get up and run off again, and also puts less pressure on LEOs to tase as soon as possible because it would be a lot harder to escape afterward.

  4. +1 increase charge time, reduce accuracy. Return the rules about not trying to keep running *after* being tased to avoid abuse. But also... maybe introduce some consequence to PD misusing tasers? Cuz yeah... you can get tazed for mouthing off in-game and that can put cops in jail irl

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/7/2024 at 6:54 AM, Requiem said:

    I don't see the correlation between the casino and the MD healing price. Regardless, I am in favor of the new price. It encourages more interaction with actual medics and also encourages players to be more careful with their character. People tackling and punching each other randomly because they can get a cheap heal at MD with no RP doesn't make much sense. If the heal hits peoples bank a bit harder, they might think twice before doing something damaging to their character. 

    100% agree. It stung a lot at first but also directly correlated to myself and several others getting injured less frequently. It's a good change even if it sucks in the moment.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, SuBDivisions23 said:

    I mean...to be honest here government jobs really do need Something. having them submit screenshots to Hr would not only stress the heck out of the mechanics and severely burden HR to a standstill (Imagine doing 50 cars in 2 hours)

    The simply fact a government employee gets paid over 50% less then more freelance jobs, and has alot more restrictions and training required is a bit nuts. Why should a mechanic work 1 hour for 6000, when he can go hunting for an hour and make 15k?

    it makes sense for the criminal side to make more (Drugs and guns) but the economy is heavily against working at gov jobs. Why should anybody work at LSC for example when they can just do Road worker and make even more for 75% less effort and no risk of being fired?

    Also, I dont understand what you mean by "Makes bonuses for LSC/Bayview mean nothing" Because....It would still be a bonus? a 50k Bonus is a free 50k regardless of how much you get paid is it not? its an Additional 50k added ontop, i dont see how the company giving you Extra money would mean nothing, especially in todays market.


    What i also think you might've failed to realize is the "increased pay" comes at demanding effort. For Mechanics to make more, they HAVE to go and service cars, they cant just sit around and salary farm. For DCC they MUST take cab rides to get the extra money to their pay, and Weazel must make ads for people for a bonus. the only "Flat out" pay raise is LSPD/LSSD and LSEMS for being the 2 hardest government jobs period. They Deserve to be paid accordingly.


  7. 13 minutes ago, CalvinKlein said:

    +1 as I have initially suggested.


    It’ll reward those employees for “grinding” within their job and incentivize them to not just sit and try avoiding work to farm money.

    if player x did 50 taxi rides in one day he should be paid more than player y who’s parked chatting in legion square letting everyone else take the calls.


  8. Just now, CalvinKlein said:

    guys this is a gta server where money is just spawned by the script , the economy of the server while on a very surface level may have relation to real world economics but it’s not the case 

    True. It's sidetracking the actual argument, which is we need to incentivize faction jobs.

    Only ways to do that are by increasing base pay, or/and performance bonuses, or/and RP bonuses. So we should do this or these.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Requiem said:

    Prices absolutely go up when you raise minimum wage. The company has fixed overhead cost to running the business, and if their cost of running the business is required to go up by paying its employees more, than to maintain profits and stay in business, the money to compensate has to come from somewhere, and with many other overhead costs already fixed to some degree, the only place to compensate is with price to the customer. Not only do prices for the end distributor rise due to higher employee costs, but the suppliers cost also goes up due to their cost increase. So likely, the supplier ends up raising prices to maintain margins to distributor, and the distributor has to raises prices to maintain their margins/profits. Basic economics and business. 

    A wealth of economic information proves you're wrong. Most costs are drawn by investors and executives as well as regional regulations, not regular labour. Source: My economics degree.

  10. 7 hours ago, Tom Solar said:

    So yea this has been proposed before, I think the last time was the previous period LSC had trouble filling shifts.

    Even though my main character (and all his coworkers, please dont hate me) would benifit greatly from a raised income, I'm gonna have to redpill this.

    1. Adding more money to the economy WILL make everything more expensive, this is basic economics, people are complaining today that a burger is 500bucks and a 1g is 250k, giving people more money will make all the prices go up. Just like it does irl. Instead of adding more, maybe nerf some stuff.

    2. If your arguement is that crims n stuff make more, thats fair, they can also loose it just as fast, crim is high risk high reward. the majority of the crim players are not rich imo.

    3. Freelance jobs make more, yea but who wants to be a roadworker for the rest of their life, I think freelance jobs earn more because its usualy for newer players to get on their feet faster and then when they get tired of that they can find a whitelist job for some more in depth roleplay.

    4. I saw the tax bracket get brought up and that people in high ranks dont actualy earn that mush because of it, its true but usualy people in those positions aren't there for the money anymore, they just wanna keep the company going and have fun with their factionmembers.

    5. you could add comission based bonusses but this would be unfair towards players on more dead timezones / players with administrative tasks, it will make players fight for work and will also make some players drop their roleplay standarts in trade for quicker payments.


    I think this is being braught up again because some companies have issues filling up shifts, I don't think the issue is pay. If I focus on the mechanic companies for a sec, LSC has been having a hard time in waves for a wile but before that it was the other way around with Bayview. Why does bayview have more workers now? because its more fun, why?

    1. There are just more people working at bayview at the moment, people flock, increased employee numbers means more security and more fun.

    2. Because LSC has less workers, they can't provide the best service and this makes some players lash out against LSC workers, this in turn makes LSC workers leave. This even continues ooc on the forum or on discord which makes players less interested in joining that faction.


    To make it clear, I would love more money for my characters an their friends but I don't think it will fix the employment issues. Is there room for balancing payouts, yes.

    1. This is factually untrue. The same argument is made against raising minimum wages IRL and it's a myth. Raising wages does not generally increase cost of living. In countries where the minimum wage is greater than double that of the United States, the cost of a Big Mac, for example, remains almost unchanged. Considering you're talking about basic economics, consider looking up the Big Mac Index.

    2. It's also more exciting - this isn't really a disincentive as far as I can tell.

    3. That's... just not a great argument, I don't know what you're trying to say. It doesn't make sense that a roadworker can make more than a lawyer or doctor or cop.

    4. I don't really care about the tax one way or another.

    5. I... sincerely doubt that. If anything it'd raise the general quality of RP if that was to become a factor.

  11. I know this has probably been tossed around a lot but we really need to do something to encourage people to do anything besides cops/crims.

    As it stands even the owner of a place like LSC or Bayview, etc doesn't make as much as someone who fishes or collects garbage for the same amount of time - and all of them make considerably less than criminals do cooking drugs or chopping cars - and on top of that a criminal can even make money in prison.

    We need to incentivize people to stay at faction jobs, otherwise we'll keep getting situations where people can't find mechanics, etc.

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