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Posts posted by AbsoluteBadonkers

  1. @Bill Breacher I understand that, but what about fuel? Medical treatment? There’s no interaction with anyone who fuels your car, and you buy Jerry Cans at stores. Medical treatment is an interaction with an NPC, not an actual person. If anything they should lower fuel and medical prices at least. $1000+ for a gas can is absurd, and $11/gal is just dumb imo

  2. +1 from me. On one of my old characters, I was kind of an idiot. I was reckless with the Sanchez I bought and frequently went to the hospital because of it. But many of those times were due to GTA having GTA physics or shitty GTA Logic and having me fall off of my bike and get downed for something that wouldn’t put me in a near death state (Lots of scrapes and bruises would hurt like hell and would cause some damage yes, but you aren’t going to bleed out and die over some bruises and scrapes after falling off your bike). While I did get some pretty interesting interactions with MD personnel, half of those interactions shouldn’t have happened. If I were to get knocked out instead, I wouldn’t need to be transport to the hospital 3 miles away with enough money to get me 0.4 miles closer via taxi to get my bike back. I could wake back up, head over to the hospital and heal up, and be on my way.

  3. Oh absolutely, +1 from me. Many times have I been unaware of a new text due to the fact that 90% of the time you don’t get any sounds or notifications. I have been in other servers and most of them have had phone scripts that were miles better, letting you to hit a key to bring it up instead of clicking on the phone, and even allowing you to keep moving and driving while brining it up due to not having to click on it, not to mention customization options such as colors, backgrounds, etc to make each phone more personalized. A new phone script would add a lot.

  4. It is understandable that this server doesn’t need to be like every other, but $700 for a sandwich that fills up my food bar by half? $1400 for a gas can that only partially fills up my bike? Why does it take over $300 to fill up a car? The prices in this server are absolutely absurd and should be reduced to a more reasonable amount. 

    Scenario: You’re low on fuel and health and don’t have the money to be able to refuel and get medical treatment as you are either new or you’ve had some other financial situation. You work on roadwork or another job for a while, but uh oh, the bank is closed so you can’t get the money you need. You now have to wait until the bank is open to be able to heal and get fuel as a single sandwich costs more than refueling a car, and refueling a car alone costs over $200 even at the $11/gal gas station


    ECRP Devs, this would change the server drastically if prices and job pay were adjusted accordingly.

  5. Major +1 to either way it would be done. Many times have I been trying to earn money to pay off tickets or be able to afford the stupidly priced $700 sandwiches and it’s taken more than it should have because people are assholes and have the ideology that “first come first serve” and they also face away from a cone that they’re working on so you get nothing as they finish that one and instantly start on the next, giving you nothing. 

  6. The minigame for lockpicking, hitting an ATM, hotwiring, and anything else that uses it is a good idea, but it’s finicky. It will sometimes count an obviously successful hit as a non successful hit, and when hotwiring or lockpicking, that can become a problem, and tbh it’s more based on luck for if it’ll fuck up or not than it is on skill.

    Instead of a “hit button inside colored zone” thing, for lockpicking, there could be an actual lockpicking minigame. Find the sweetspot, rotate the lockpick, profit. Fuck it up and break it? Alarm goes off.

    For hotwiring, it could be something to do with wires and a screwdriver. Maybe fuse 2 wires together and then turn the screwdriver in the ignition.

    For ATM hitting, there could be something like a timer with a random “skill check”. You mess it up, it sets the timer back from anywhere between 5 and 10 seconds, and there’s a random chance of the silent alarm going off.

    Feel free to post criticism, I’m always open to ideas

  7. Being rammed is not fun, and when your car breaks down, sometimes an admin has to send a Mechanic to you because they never accept your requests. If something like a toolkit exists, then it would alleviate the pain of waiting for a mechanic to decide to take your request

    The toolkit, if implemented, would not just fix your car. When bought from a store, it has the ability to partially repair your car. As you drive after using the toolkit, your cars health slowly lowers, giving you a chance to drive to a mechanics shop instead of waiting 20 minutes for one to respond. It is one use only and you can only use 1 each time your car breaks down. This wouldn't completely throw away the mechanics job though, as sometimes the amount of vehicle health partially restored would not be enough to drive to a shop, so you could at least get a little closer to one before requesting a mechanic

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  8. Some things require you to hit space in time with a green line, which is a good idea but isn’t done well. Sometimes that minigame can lag, so you have to compensate by hitting space a little early

    It can also sometimes not register that you hit in the greenzone and automatically fail. I think it would be better if the action timers were brought back, but instead if you don’t hit in the greenzone or if it decides to fail, instead of restarting entirely or losing a chance, it sets the timer back a few seconds. I think it’s more fair since ATMs and some cars require 50-55 successful hits that go by painstakingly slow, and having to restart that due to an error in how the minigame works can be frustrating

  9. 8 hours ago, La Ventana said:

    You dont really have to pay for a radio since you use teamspeak so.-

    if I remember correctly they only use TS for in character talk, like to talk to Dispatch, talk to each other about something specific, etc, I’ve witnessed multiple officer’s names go Red with radio usage when they “could’ve just used Teamspeak”, TS is not their main form of communication.

  10. I agree to all of this

    I once was pulled over for being in a stolen car. A second unit pulled up, and instantly got his gun out and aimed it at me. A third unit pulled up and started talking to the first. Then a fourth pulled up and didn’t set foot outside their vehicle. Was that really necessary? Could 2 of them not just stayed in their cars in case I ran, instead of having 3 step out and 1 be ready for a chase?

    Another thing about the prisons. It seems like the minimum you get is 1 hour, which is dumb imo. I should not have to stay in prison for a full hour with 1 small charge. To me, I think it should start at 20-30 minutes, then ramp up as the charges come in/get more severe. 

    I’ve never tried to run because I know that they become stupid with the amount of units that they get into chases. They should start with a couple units, and if they can’t stop you, request a roadblock or spikes, and if that doesn’t stop you then they should ramp up the units, I shouldn’t have a helicopter on me 1 minute into a chase.

  11. Hello, my actual name is Aiden (no last name for obvious reasons). I go by either that, or my YouTube name, ICan'tEdit (People who REALLY know me know me as LURD, my old YouTube name "LookURDead"). I've been in LS for less than a week and it's already better than any other RP server I've tried (Especially PremierRP, but I don't want to talk about that mess). I've already met a lot of different interesting personalities and can't wait to see yours in game! I'm usually on around 8:00-9:00AM CST through the night until around 10:00PM unless something comes up or unless I have work. 

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  12. "This is a roleplay server, and for the most part, even in all parts, FPS should not be a concern. The chatbox is not affected by low fps; you can roleplay just as well with low fps as you do with high fps. The FPS only becomes a concern in shootouts or chases, which should not be the focus for playing on our server."

    That's just not true though, with LOW FPS comes a higher chance of freezes/stuttering as obviously your hardware isn't good enough for a stable fps. Low FPS can lead to less time to react to something such as a light that turns red right before you hit it, and if you freeze or stutter, that can be an extreme hinderance when playing in general. It makes it harder to drive, makes it harder to walk around, etc. If you're stuttering hard or freezing, you might not react in time to a light or you might accidentally hit someone running across the road. If you're talking to someone, that stuttering and freezing can make it difficult to understand them. If you're trying to follow instructions, it again can make it difficult

    LOW FPS is not a concern in just shootouts, it's a constant concern. 

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  13. When trying to hit up an ATM, you need to hit it 55 times, if you stop, you restart it entirely, which I think is a bit unfair and it also takes quite a bit of time. A way to resume hitting it from where you left off before would give criminals more of a chance

  14. Joey Seretov is the brother-from-another-family to Casey Dow. After his biological family was massacred after a failed ATM Smash and Grab by an unknown robber, Joey and Casey were separated. Casey was shipped back to Ireland to live with his biological family, the Dows, who owned a huge distillery. Joey on the other hand decided he was done with family. Joey ran off the day before Casey was said to go back to Ireland. A few years went by, and he ran into a guy named “Michael Nickson”, who said he knew Casey from his roadwork crew. Joey is now in Los Santos looking for Casey and following in his “brother’s” footsteps of robbing ATMs.

  15. Casey Dow lived with his parents in Dublin Ireland. They owned the biggest distillery for as far as the eye could see. When it was reported that Dow and Family had been putting harmful chemicals in the alcohol, the company was shut down, and the Dow family soon went into DEBT. They lost their house, their car, and Casey was eventually taken due to his parent’s inability to feed and take care of him. Casey lived in a foster home until after becoming old enough to leave. Everyone knew what family he was part of, and shamed him. He turned to the life of crime. He was taken in by a big drug family. He worked for them, making and delivering drugs, for 4 years. He earned enough money to move to LS, where he now sells drugs in the shadows of the alleyways and participates in street races on the side, with the occasional store robbery when cash is short. Casey is not one to be messed with.

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