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Everything posted by itsWiggity

  1. I was just thinking the same thing. How do you know it's gonna be a match if you can't get the bugger out and play with em for a few minutes first. Who wants a pet that you struggle to get along with?
  2. I find your reply funny as I have only served two customers at the diner. You were def NOT one of them.. I was the financial backend, and kept everything fully stocked. I sure hope your day turns around and you can see the rays of sunshine through all the rain clouds over your head. Have a great day
  3. That place went to shit over a month ago when I left. Can't believe I am mentioned as just a "meat supplier". Anyone that ACTUALLY knows me, knows that place was mine and I bled for it daily. Thank you for your honest review. The diner may be re-opening under new management here shortly.
  4. As many rules that are in place to keep realism in city.. I'm surprised LEO are allowed to scan plates on the front of a car when there are no plates on the front. Vehicles with a front plate is understandable, but when not visible, LEO should NOT be able to run the plate.
  5. Have you seen a resource called "hypnonema"? I'm sure you all could give it an ECRP twist and implement it in the city. Interiors are TP into so they share coords I assume. Would make it easier to add them to houses/apartments. Movie night at the beach, presentations at vinewood, etc. Can have a purchasable "remote" for people to watch the telly at their home. Imagine the RP possibilities that could open up. It may be taxing on server resources if allot of people are streaming though.
  6. was just thinking a "fight club" would be an awesome idea. can squash beef like men in a supervised manner. sign me up, i love fist fighting
  7. Stop on by for some of that good ole home cookin'. Stocked fresh daily
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