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2022 | Mass Unban?

I want to know your thoughts.  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Mass unban for players that did not breach major rules?

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Everyone here agrees that a mass random unban is bad and agrees that case-by-case is what works, but that's literally what the appeal system is. The only difference is that we require their input and reasoning. Going through 500-600 pages of bans and determining someone can come back with no context of their ban or input from them will not lead to more good than bad. People who were denied multiple times from appeals wouldn't pass this case-by-case method regardless, making it completely redundant and increasing senior/head admin workload tenfold for no reason.

Server population is not the main goal, player quality is. If someone who hasn't committed a serious rulebreak is capable of showing that they're ready to come back alongside demonstrating that they're good quality roleplayers, we will happily let them back. The only exception to this is those who are on a "boy who cried wolf" streak. We have plenty of people who appeal and say the same "forgive me I'm changed" speech every time only to get banned within the next month due to blatant disregard of the rules, not a questionable mistake.

If you wouldn't be accepted in an appeal, you wouldn't pass a mass unban screening. Appeal and come back, simple as that.

Locked & archived.

  • PogU 1
  • Confused 2
  • bakmeel 1
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