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The Story of Kyu "Barbie" Aberdeen

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General Information

Full Name: Kyu Aberdeen

Nickname: Barbie

Age: 29

Birthday: 16-06-1992

Nationality: White-British

Religion: Atheist 

City of Birth: Manchester, England

Mother tongue: English

Additional languages: BSL, ASL, German, French, Spanish


Chapter One - Prologue

Kyu was born into the world as a bastard child with a father nowhere in the picture to be seen. Her birth mother, who you could say also had a very difficult and challenging upbringing had her ways of coping with the stress and struggles of raising life into this planet. Unfortunately those coping methods a lot of alcohol and drugs. Because of this Kyu never had much social interaction from the moment she was born, with a mother that was too doped up on drugs to raise her with the proper social skills required to excel in life.

By the age of two years old, Kyu had still never been given the true proper care a developing baby needs. And this would pave the way for many behavior disorders being detected by playgroups and nurseries, it was noted on the record that there were days Kyu would turn up to nursery looking malnourished. One particularly keen-eyed nursery teacher one morning notices unusual-looking burns on Kyu's arm while she was playing with the other toddlers. Unfortunately, Kyu was very behind on developmental skills, so communicating with her about her burn was not an option, instead, the teacher decided to prompt make a note of it on record before calling and informing social services of potential issues at home.

Fast forward three days, in the residence that Kyu and her mother live, social service works knock on the door with a firm and confident knock. As the door creeks open the two social workers are immediately hit with the odor of smoke and alcohol, after a brief introduction the social workers are invited inside to assess the situation, however not much assessment is needed at all and they take immediate action to remove Kyu from that environment. Followed by all legal procedures and hearings to have Kyu placed in the care and supervision of a local Foster home.

Kyu would go on to live most of her childhood being transferred from one foster carer to another, because of her mounting behavior issues, foster carers had a very difficult time adjusting to their lives while caring for Kyu, and this was the reason for her being transferred back to the Foster house repeatedly.

Fast forward to Kyu's 18th Birthday, at this point Kyu has been all but rejected from the system, the last time a carer attempted to take her in was 3 years ago since teenagers already have a difficult time finding a carer, and with the added issues that Kyu carries her hope for care was all but completely diminished. Now being officially over the age of 18 she is released from foster care and social services and now has a long and difficult journey ahead of her, as she now has to attempt to recover her life and make something of herself without the help of a loving family to support her financially or emotionally. 

Chapter Two - Dark Descent

For the past two years, Kyu manages to barely scrape by in life by using the one skill she had to freelance some money, art. She spent a lot of her days around public libraries so that she was able to accept commissions for digital art and this would be how she scraped by in life. It was never a luxurious lifestyle, nor was it a particularly happy lifestyle. However, it was enough for her to keep a roof over her head and survive.

At the age of 20 Kyu had discovered that the college close to her had a program running for the next semester which would allow her to enroll in a digital art course for free for 4 years. Baring she was successful with the course she would then be able to progress to an A-Level education all from government funding and without breaking her already very scarce bank account. Due to Kyu's mountain social disorders, she never did quite fit in on this course. She was one of the only girls in the class and the other girls disregarded her as a possible classmate since she was mentally very different from everyone else. She would intentionally sit as far away from anyone else as she possibly could, and where ever she could avoid conversation she would do so.

Due to Kyu's poor ability to maintain herself both mentally and physically, she developed a rare and unfortunate mouth infection, which, because of her anxiety she avoided ever calling the GP regarding this infection and she just assumed it would go away as she tried to self treat it with mouth wash daily. Unfortunately for Kyu this infection would spread down her throat and begin to impair vocal cords from properly functioning, Kyu never did like talking to people much anyway. So even when she began to lose her voice she refused to be checked medically and would attempt to continue with her life as normal, things would get increasingly difficult for her as she would begin to struggle to keep connections with freelance graphic design clients and all but a few loyal clients would slowly stop coming back to her for commissioned art.

Fast forward to near the end of Kyu's college course, by the time Kyu's medical condition has developed into more than a simple infection and she is at this point entirely mute and unable to project her vocals more any more than a very airy whisper as air exits her lungs in a completely undirected fashion and she would have to rely more and more on lip-syncing and sign language to properly communicate. This was something that Kyu never imagined to be a problem she would deal with in life, as she never did like to socially interact with anyone anyway. However, she quickly discovered that the most simple of tasks such as going to the store or dealing with clients becomes a thousand times harder when communication is lost.

At this point, Kyu's condition is very well known within the class, and she becomes somewhat of a laughing stock around the class, one grim rainy morning Kyu manages to drag herself out of bed to get to college on time, the weather is cold, wet and miserable and dark clouds fill the sky making daylight appear like night. As the bell for the first-class rings Kyu makes her way to her routine position, Kyu always sat at the back of the class as far away from social interaction as she possibly could. However, today was different as a student she barely knew or interacted with sat in the one seat directly beside her. Kyu's social anxiety would be peaked and she was completely unable to concentrate on the class when halfway through the lesson this uninvited student began to position his hand on Kyu's upper thigh as he watched for her expression.

Kyu would be in absolute shock and would appear completely stunned and emotionless as the student notices the lack of reaction and begins to slide his hand between her clothes and skin and proceeds to sexually assault her. Kyu would freeze with complete shock, her body telling her to make a scene, raise a hand, retaliate but her brain being in complete shock she would stare blankly towards the front of the class as a single teardrop would roll down her face.

At the end of class, Kyu would have accomplished nothing in her blank emotionless stare, she would be the last to exit the classroom and she would leave the gates of the college and continue walking all the way home, where she would bury her head into the. Although blank in expression, this alteration would be the beginning of her lowest point in life as she would descend into a dark and miserable place, for weeks she would not leave her apartment, she wouldn't eat or drink properly nor would she get a full night of sleep.

It would not take long at all for rumors to spread around the college about the events that took place on that dark and grim morning, however, the rumors would have the story entirely twisted to make Kyu appear as if she wanted it to happen, after constant abuse and harassment Kyu decided for her mental health it would be best if she dropped out of college, and that would be the last time Kyu would attend class.

One late evening in a depressive slump shortly after self-harming, Kyu would throw a single dart at a map of the globe on her bedroom wall which would happen to land on Los Santos. Without hesitation, Kyu would look up the next cheapest flight to Los Santos International grabbing only the things could pack in her bag and leaving everything else behind her and a search for great new adventures.


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