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💎 Vangelico Heist.

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Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to suggest some things that will reward illegal factions.

If you like it throw up a +1.


Vangelico Fine Jewelry.



Being an official illegal faction takes alot of effort by the leader and it's members. Those selective few that get chosen to become official should have more benefits!

What I suggest is the following:

Let the official illegal factions to submit a request to the faction managment. In the request they should explain the IC motives and the execution plan on robbing the Vangelico. 

Admins will then approve or deny those applications.


Rewards and Rules

This business should have a 30 day countdown and be used as a special event for those who managed to become official.

They will attempt to rob the store and gain X packed money.  (maybe more than Fleeca, to make it more attractive) Police Forces will attempt to stop them.


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Great idea, that's why this is already a thing. 
Existing official factions can reach out to their assigned Faction Services staff members with just that, a request for a more intricate RP scenario with staff approval and assistance, sometimes with reward like described above.

How it differs from what you've outlined is it's a little more flexible and we allow for some tailoring to the specific faction depending on their lore etc so it's not just a cookie cutter experience.

Edit: Having a proper approval process is a very very recent thing, probably why it's not that known about but it's something being worked on!

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