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Mortimer Hauch

How the Coroner (Freelance Job 3/15) Works

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For the requester:

When you call 6666 from a phone, you will open a coroner request. 

This is like how 911 works, but it includes a "cancel radius" around where the call was made, like how you would cancel a taxi call or mechanic request. 

Leaving the area where the call was made will cancel the call to the coroner (this cancel zone is significantly larger than the taxi or mechanic radius).

You will also see how many coroners are online, and if someone has accepted your request:


If the coroner has accepted the request then they will gain a GPS location marker. If the coroner has accepted the request and you need to leave, you can leave the area and they will still be able to see where the call was made from.


For the coroner:

When a callout is made, a skull icon will appear for all coroners on shift that have a GPS:



Only players employed as coroners sitting in their work vehicle (the hearse spawned by the freelance job) will receive callouts automatically, and as soon as they are made:



If using a personal hearse or are on foot, you will need to manually enter /coronerrequests. This  will show either 0 active requests, or any active requests made:




/corr [ID] accepts the callout

You can only accept one callout at a time (trying to accept a second will show a warning will appear stating "you are already servicing one client, serve them first"):



Once you arrive at the location, the request will complete and the markers will disappear:



/bagbody vanishes the body and spawns a bag in your hands

/storebodybag at the rear of the hearse despawns the bag and adds 1 body to the storage of the hearse


Only 5 body bags can be stored in a hearse at one time, the command will not work on a 6th, so you can't hold a bag in your hands and drive off with it. You can, however, store the 6th body in the boot with /storebody, and then bag it at the morgue once the first 5 are dropped off.

Possible Bug, relating to having no GPS:
If you are on shift as a coroner and accept a callout, then leave the vehicle without a GPS, the marker and set destination will disappear.
You can't press Y to re-set the marker, so the only solution is to re-log and re-accept the callout.

Edited by Mortimer Hauch
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