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Homeless By Choice

Player Skills/Job Experience

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Player skills would be things like stamina, strength, swimming, biking, shooting, ect. You gain experience in these skills by doing things that would contribute to their progression, as the skill level increases the players ability to do that activity also increases. For example, if you jog and run everywhere you will, overtime, be able to run for longer periods before you exhaust yourself. If you go to a gun range or shoot at bottles in the woods frequently, your accuracy with that weapon will increase. NLR would of course apply to this, any skill progression in that time would be lost. I think this would add more to do in the city from a RP stand point.


Job experience would work like this: The amount of work you do at a specific freelance job would make you more experienced in that field. With that experience, you would in turn get a raise from the employer for all your hard work, and your increasing value to the company. For an example i will use fishing, a hypothetical ranking system could be this: Land Lubber | Novice | Hobbyist | Certified Angler | At Sea For Months | Speaks In Sea Shanties |,  You would start out as a "Land Lubber", and lets say need to sell 25 fish to become a "Novice". Then you would have to sell a total of 100 fish to become a "Hobbyist", then 500 to become a "Certified Angler". "Speaks In Sea Shanties" would represent job mastery and the highest pay tier, but to get to this point would take a decent amount of time. Of course like player skills, NLR would impact any job experience you gain. Having something for the player to wear to signify this would be neat, like a name tag or a badge(a small fish on the players chest in the fishing case), but that might be a stretch.

I really think having tiers like this for freelance jobs would be huge. It encourages people to WANT to grind, rather than to HAVE to just to survive. Its a realistic insensitive for people and makes freelance jobs worth doing.

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