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PD - players die after delivering to hosp

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Date and time (provide timezone): N/A

Character name: George Stirling

Issue/bug you are reporting: Applies to PD only. Whenever a player is stabilized (/stabilize) and dragged (/drag) into a cruiser (or any vehicle afaik), when they are delivered to the hospital like 50% of the time the delivery works, as in they are scriptwise delivered to the hospital. If you then undrag the player, they die instantly and need to be stabilized again.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: No evidence, easy to replicate: as an on duty LSPD member, /stabilize a player, /drag them into a car, and drive them onto the hospital delivery point. If the message pops up that they have been (scriptwise) delivered to the hospital, /undrag them.

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On 7/22/2018 at 5:53 AM, Hunterosity said:

Date and time (provide timezone): N/A

Character name: George Stirling

Issue/bug you are reporting: Applies to PD only. Whenever a player is stabilized (/stabilize) and dragged (/drag) into a cruiser (or any vehicle afaik), when they are delivered to the hospital like 50% of the time the delivery works, as in they are scriptwise delivered to the hospital. If you then undrag the player, they die instantly and need to be stabilized again.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: No evidence, easy to replicate: as an on duty LSPD member, /stabilize a player, /drag them into a car, and drive them onto the hospital delivery point. If the message pops up that they have been (scriptwise) delivered to the hospital, /undrag them.

Can confirm this happens all the time

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