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Empty Water Bottles Refill Goes Above The Inventory Limit

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Date and time (provide timezone): It happens whenever you feel like doing it.

Character name: Ivy Eriksen

Issue/bug you are reporting: A mass amount of empty water bottles (0.1 vol.) goes over the inventory limit when refilled.

Expected behavior: The inventory should not allow a player to hold more than 50 volume, even if you refill, and should refuse to refill or drop the excess quantity that can't be held.
When the water bottles were at a constant volume of 2, when you use them on drug tables with a full inventory, that one bottle would drop down on the ground.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate
1. Stack 48 empty water bottles. (more can be stacked obviously)
2. Refill them.
3. The inventory goes above 50.

  • It works with crates.
  • It works with car's trunk so you can fill your car's trunk with empty water bottles and be close to water then refill, resulting in a mass refill but difficulty in moving them.

Vehicle license plate number*

Edited by Celestial
updated my character's name
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