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Seperate ad requests, and news requests

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I feel that one of the issues of news not being actively covered in Los Santos is that the features that people use to request an advertiser and the feature to request a news reporter are the same. Currently when you use /newsagency you type out what you are calling the news agency for and you must wait in that place and not move otherwise the request will be cancelled, I agree with this usage as otherwise reports would be responding to calls where there arent any people looking for ads. The downsides to this feature is that people who are not looking to request ads, but rather have stumbled upon a crime scene, or a controversial situation, or a protest, and would like to report it to Weazel News to be covered are not looking to spend the time waiting there for the news reporter to show up and thus discourages citizens to report newsworthy situations because they feel it takes too much time away from their day.

SO, this is what I propose; Create a new command that puts out a different type of request, that is similar to 911 calls in that they're static and will not be discarded if the player moves a certain radius away and then will delete themselves after an appropriate interval of 15-30 minutes. /newsagency can continue in existence to prevent crossover confusion, /newsreport could be used to request the news reporters.

TLDR; people wanting to report news shouldnt have to wait around in place to report it, make a new command to help.

EDIT: Not exactly sure how answering reports works with Weazel! So if someone from that faction like this idea and would like to make a suggestion on how to differentiate the two requests while being on duty feel free to add below 🙂

Edited by Kjaer
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