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Spawning at random apartments when logging in

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Date and time (provide timezone): November 18, 5:00am and 4:30pm UTC 

Character name: Baxter Verstetten

Issue/bug you are reporting: I logged out at Paleto Parking at 5:00am to go to sleep, then got on during my break at work later in the day to check something and was spawned at Eclipse Towers apartment 50.

Expected behavior: I should have spawned where I logged off in Paleto. 

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I've heard of this happening to multiple people by now and it unfortunately seems incredibly random for when it happens and therefore hard to troubleshoot. I'm not sure if this is a desync issue inherent to RageMP or an actual bug relating to ECRP, but I figured I'd make a formal report just in case. Hard to gather personal evidence of this unless I am to start screenshotting with /time every time I plan on logging off to record where I do so.

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I've had this happen to me a few times. One time that stands out is that I tried to login for the first time one day, but it said that I was already logged in, so I closed the game and restarted and ended up in an apartment with a broken elevator.

Also happened mutliple times when I crashed on duty at Bayview, except those times I could leave the apartment.

Not sure how much this helps...

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