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Chief Pupui

[Rule Change] Attacking Collaborators

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"The friends of your enemy are probably enemies too."

Hi guys, another post but one I think everyone will agree with.  Right now, the rules read this:

3. Examples, when you can attack another player:
3.1. If they attempt to hurt you or damage your property intentionally;
3.2. If they report you to the police for committing a crime;
3.3. If they refuse to comply with your demands after being given a reasonable amount of warnings;
3.4. If they try to harm you, for example, they attempt to place you under arrest;

Right now, according to the current rules, if a car say drove into bayview to perform a hit with 2 people in it and they started firing, you could shoot the person with the pistol shooting out the window but not at the driver. Despite clearly being complicit with the attack immediately taking place you would have to avoid shooting them.

And while I understand that you could argue against this we have a small history of figuring out rules through ban report rulings, and there is the potential someone could get banned for shooting the driver, despite it making total sense.

So I wish to request we add to the rules in the next update of them:

3.5 If they are at the time collaborating with the individual you are attacking.


Edited by Chief Pupui
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From the example you provided, I think it's safe to say that the driver would also be an attacker. Just because the player is not directly shooting at you, doesn't mean he isn't attempting to cause harm, and I believe this would fall under 3.4. If they try to harm you, for example, they attempt to place you under arrest; being the driver of the vehicle while your passenger opens fire on a person is definitely harmful intent.

However that being said, I'm all for making the rules a little bit more clear, even tho for me this specific rule is pretty clear as it is, new players would benefit if the rules were just a little bit more easier to understand.

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