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Update commands in the F5 menu

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The F5 menu is missing dozens of useful commands that new and old players may not even know exist, and is in desperate need of a proper update to include all of the commands that exist on the server and a brief description on what those commands do. 
This may save staff time by not having to /report 1 every single time you need to know a command. This will help new players better understand game mechanics/scripts that more experienced players know.
I've compiled a small list below but there guaranteed is some stuff missing, and some stuff i may not even know existing. I'll try to break it up by category:



E as an action to open doors/trunks/hoods
F to get in driver's seat
G to get in as a passenger (sounds silly, but tons of new players don't know how to enter the passenger seat the first few days on the server)
/showveh (include in the description that there is a cooldown associated with this command)
/givekey (add the TRUE/FALSE section into the description), if you don't know add that then this command isn't usable. EX: /givekey (ID) TRUE (for permanent) | /givekey (ID) false (for temporary)
/window 0, 1, 2, 3 (and if possible detail 0 is driver's side, 1 is passenger's side, etc. etc.)

/neons (it currently is in the F5 menu as /neon, which doesn't exist.)
all of the car speaker commands such as /carurl


/vr 1, 2, 3
All of the speaker commands
All of the pet commands
include binding different radio frequencies with shift commands.
please make /ldo into /Ldo at least on the notification. often times players will think that /Ldo is /ido and can't respond to the RP because of this, unless they are PM'd.


There are virtually no housing commands on the list in regards to building. Every single time I have to give somebody permissions to build on my property i have to contact staff to find out what the command is. I really don't know any of the house commands except for the one's i listed below, but I know there are a bunch that I'm missing:

E as an action to lock/unlock external or internal doors (furniture doors, like gates or jail doors, etc.)
/showhouses (include in the description of this command there is a fee for using the command that automatically deducts money out of your account. also, why is there a fee for using this command??)
any new apartment commands that may exist


please put all of the animations in one section of their own, instead of having to type /anim and then a whole textbox fills up your screen that is kind of a nuisance if RP is ongoing around. take a look here at how big the textbox is:


it takes up nearly all of your chat box and you often have to scroll up to find the command you want if there are people around you that are typing. I'm not saying to remove the /anim command, but to make it also in the F5 menu.



Remove O from all sections to pick up/interact with objects on the ground or open vehicle doors, etc. etc.
/vv or /voicevolume (has been changed to /vol)
/dnn (rip)
/neon (change to /neons, as that is the real command)
Y to enter your house
K to unlock your house

As I said above, there are probably a ton more that I'm missing, these are just some I thought of off the top of my head. I wouldn't say that this is a high priority change, but is definitely a necessary one for future updates.


Edited by Dashingly
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Great idea! If you can provide a full detailed list I'm sure this could get implemented very quickly depending on developers availability. A lot of this changes very with development as well as we seem to be moving away from a lot of the /slashcommands.

Quick review below.

  • /vehiclestats should be before /showveh, to encourage using it first, before using /showveh and triggering the cooldown.
  • /enterrv and /exitrv was removed
  • /transfervehicle should have a warning that this or buying a car from a dealer/lot is the only way to 'take ownership'. In addition warning that you don't get it back if you do this and no one is obligated to follow promises ICly.
  • /fmembers #
  • /listpropertypermissions

Again, if you can help provide a full list (there are many more commands we can help with as well). We could probably submit this for a quick update.

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