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its been 3 times new players come and try robbing me t with weapons.. and ofc i cant do much untill he has a gun on my head because yeah he has new player tag.. and after that pretty much i should handsup because they scream fearRP..

so i suggest remove the ability to get a weapon untill you lose the new player tag. a lot of samp servers had this back in the day to avoid random dming and also rulebreakers.

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The rules state the following:

  • Players cannot steal from players with “NEW PLAYER” above their head unless it is in retaliation. 

  • Players with the (( NEW PLAYER )) tag that deliberately insert themselves into or start active crime scenes lose their new player protection during those illegal activities.

This means that if you see a new player approaching and you think he is gonna rob you can, like any other player, unholster your weapon in preparation for anything he might do, you could probably even point it at him and ask him what he is doing (just DO NOT rob him). 


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9 minutes ago, Franci_King said:

yea and when i point at him he will simply shoot... and i cant shoot first because he is new player.. only when he shoots i can.. 

He has to initiate RP with you, so if you see someone coming and you have your gun out, as long as you are facing him you have a chance to retaliate, your issue with shooting first isn't exclusive to new players, it's with every player. Someone who approaches you with bad intentions will always have the advantage of initiating RP, the difference is whether you are prepared for it and able to defend yourself or not.

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