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Prison Overhaul.

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Yes. i am aware prison is an awful place, and should be dreaded and should not be joyful by any means, it is a punishment. However in my experience, i am noticing nearly everyone i talk to is AFK and the ones that are not, want to start a fight and kill me because they are bored. I will give a list of a few things i think you should add to spice it up a lot, and make it worth staying online for your jailtime.

Idea 1 - Poker Table

You should be able to play poker with stamps, and not have such a massive buy-in price, i have barely ever seen one person use that table for the reason that the price is a lot for prison and also barely anyone plays it? So i think there should be a 150 Stamp buy in. and you can gamble with the stamps you acquire from mining.


Idea 2 - Mining

At the moment mining is literally pointless, you could spend about an hour mining away and you will take off literally 3 minutes off your sentence, i think mining should definitely be more useful and take off your sentence time, because i feel like if your willing to work and spend more time in RP in prison, making it enjoyable for other players then you deserve to have less of a sentence, So as it stands its currently: 100 Stamps = 10 seconds / Which should be changed to 100 Stamps = 30 or 50 seconds instead.


Idea 3 - Payphones

Make use of the payphones attached to the wall inside, Give them the ability to call numbers players know off by heart instead of a phone book, and also cancel calls to EMS and POLICE to avoid trolling


Idea 4 - Entertainment

My final idea, is just scatter little interactive things about, like the slot machine in Tequila-la and stuff like that to keep people active, and i understand its a prison and shouldnt be a country club, but it would definitely improve prison and keep people more active inside of it.


If you got this far thanks for reading lol, leave a like if you agree.



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+1 I believe that prison RP is lacking entirely. The new additions of mining, poker, stamps, etc. were developed and never looked at again (at least what it feels like). I have a crim character in prison for 3+ hours and haven't logged on for months due to the lack of stuff to do. I also believe that DOC should have more things to do aside from waiting for criminal intakes. 

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