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Ryan Aag

Carbine Ammo

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So i bought 6 bags of Carbine ammo and i used 2 of them but i only got 8 bullets in total and the other were put directly into the magazine, so the 30 bullets that were in the magazine already were just dropped and lost. Is there a correct way to open them so i get all the ammo or is it just bugged so i cant do anything about it?

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Without more evidence and knowing how to recreate the issue I can't really help you exactly. There is a known issue with ammo in guns from the GT-MP side which I corrected so players couldn't possibly get more ammunition than what was saved on their user info, but PM me on discord with how you could recreate this and I'll try it myself and debug it to see what's actually going on in the background.

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49 minutes ago, Ryan Aag said:

Well i you can talk to the guy who sold me it and i have 4 bags on me that i can do the same with if you want to evidence but i want to be sure im being returned the ammo i waiste for proving it to you.

Okay I can assist when I can get ig. Discord for further chat.

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