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New forum?

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WHY? Now the forum is ugly(in my opinion)... Its dark, grey and is saddening to see. 
The game panel isn't there anymore..? Or at least we cant find it as easily as it used to be.
Why are you putting some time and energy in re-making your forum with more flaws then before? When you could work on server script and things that we all really want(go look in the suggestion sections). I'm just trying to understand where do you put your efforts and priority? Is it in the community or you just do whatever it pleases you at the moment?

Maybe there is some benefits I'm not aware of and that I cant see.. If that is the case maybe someone can explain it to me please.

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Well, the design is personal preference. And the forums being updated does not mean the server is forgotten about, the dev team doesn't just focus at one thing at a time, different people have different tasks to do. I'm sure most of the features from the old forum that are missing will be added eventually, even better than before.

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28 minutes ago, aongrant said:

 the dev team doesn't just focus at one thing at a time, different people have different tasks to do. I'm sure most of the features from the old forum that are missing will be added eventually, even better than before.

Why couldn't they release it once it was all done then? its like their updates, are they testing it for real before release?

I get the fact that there is many people working on multiple thing but still, they release a criminal update last week(more then 1 month after the first announcement), its buggy as fuck, the trading system isnt working properly for gun parts(havent tried in the last two days tbh), drugs that were suppose to have effects dont do anything... Its just annoying to see the forum changed while there is so much to do elsewhere and we dont even know whats up with that, they are not talking to their community about this and they barely never answer in the suggestions section.


If you really dislike the new look scroll all the way down and click "Theme" and click default

Thx I changed this, that is a bit better

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I'm not trash talking, sorry if it sounds like that but I'm asking question, im not native english so sorry if it may come out as rude but really I'm asking question and telling facts here. And if I was, what would that change in the agrument here? This comment isnt adding anything to the conversation.

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Changing the theme on the forums doesn't exactly take up huge amounts of time. If this forum works like other forums that I know, it is simply just selecting a preset design and pressing apply. The devs are working on the script, don't you worry about that.

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