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Brandon Powers

Make buy-able manageable farms with plants & animals

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Please include in the options to buy and manage farms that aren't located at your traditional place, have fields able to be planted out in the open, and include animals that can be fed and raised to full growth. Making the cycles matched to the size of area you can plant, I think a whole rework of the farms is in order. This would give overall business a completion and reward for being an employee there.

Have manageable and buy able chicken coops that can be placed down, and ensure they can be fed by what you can grow and process.

Turn the refineries and drop off points for the current farming system into drop off management points that can be used to turn raw plant and farm products into usable food or meal products for cattle and chickens.

Give hay bails a vehicle you can unload and load into and then can drop off one by one in a pasture and feed animals. 

With the inclusion of grass in certain areas, we can easily have manageable pastures and fields for free range animals. Include we can boost their growth rates by feeding them extra food.

Add in fences we can build to section off certain farms with permission from staff or built in with buyable fields and a UI option to place them down.

Ensure proper systems are in place to ensure farmers come first and they are looked after for their efforts and ensure that there is a wicked system in place they can play with.

Edited by Brandon Powers
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