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A new interactive event that happens once a week

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This is going to be a huge suggestion with a lot of interactive things to be done with it. Please bear with me.

As you all know, there is an interior for a jewelry shop built in GTA V that is accessible yet not used in EclipseRP. So RP wise, you barely buy your jewelries from random cloth shops around the map, I never happened to buy a gold chain from a clothing shop. ALSO never bought a gold chain for cheaper than a pair of pants. So new prices for accessories should be attended to. This suggestion will include the following points:

  1. Location of the Jewelry shop and its icon on the map.
  2. How would the system of the jewelry shop work
  3. How would criminals interact with it

Starting with point #1:

Here is the location of the jewelry store:


Here is how it looks like from outside:


And here how it looks like from the inside:



Moving on to point #2:

So the store can be player owned of course but lets just say for now it would be server owned like any other clothing shop. There would be a GUI in it with all the "expensive" accessories sold in clothing stores with new prices that should be looked at by volunteers. There is a salesman (ped) in there selling jewelry to customers. The buying process is basically exactly like clothing stores.

Point #3:

How would criminals interact with this specific shop? 

  • Basically this shop should be a special event that happens at random in a week where the store is "rob-able". 

How would this shop be rob-able and how would criminals know?

  • Well the store should be NCZ as there should be CCTVs there working 24/7 but at random times people run scheduled maintenance on CCTVs and turn them off. Usually once a week for a couple of hours, once they turn it off it is possible to being robbed. Once a robbery started in it it can't get back to NCZ unless the robbery has ended and 30 mins has passed. So if you start robbing it 1 second before NCZ rule applies, dont worry it wont apply unless no robberies happened. 
  • If no criminal robbed it in its no NCZ timer then it gets back to NCZ no problem. And another week is to come for another scheduled maintenance. That is why criminals should send patrols every hour to check if CCTVs are running or not by seeing the green led on cameras on or not.

How would a criminal rob it then?

  • This is a BIG hit RPingly so the store can never be robbed unless minimum of 5 criminals are present and all aiming at the ped at the same time. Then like any store robbery you get to grabcash. EXCEPT, grabbing cash in this would be way higher  than store robberies, in stores its around 60$ per a couple of seconds. Now this should be 6000$ every 1 min. WAIT....... THIS IS EASY MONEY????? NO?? Well my friend, lemme tell you that 45 seconds after robbing the store the police get notified on their radios that a jewelry store is being robbed due to alarms going off when people break glasses to take the jewelry out. So police only have 25 seconds to arrive on scene and can successfully secure the area, the gang can carry on for another minute for a bigger cash grab which is 20,000$ in the 2nd minute but their gang should hold the police. Last cash grab is 35,000$ if they were able to take them. Then they would have to escape the robbery. Keeping in mind that if they die their cash is lost unless picked by a teammate that aimed initially at the ped at the begining of the robbery. And police can't take it if all criminals died. It is "theoretically" returned to the cashier. 


This is the system that occurred to my mind. If you have anything to add, remove, tweak or adjust please let me know in your votes. If its either negative or positive. 


Thank you for your time, Oob.

Edited by Philo
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