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anyways... as my last topic was archived because the administrator was too ignorant to read through it and realise that i actually made suggestions.

i'll reiterate.

have a better support and reporting system. make evidential rules less strict. no one has time to record or screenshot during moments of panic, especially when they happen in the blink of an eye. another suggestion is for the admins of this server, and the forum, to take other reports seriously. a /report 4 is an urgent rule-breaker report. if it's urgent, please respond urgently and don't wait about half an hour. secondly, the disrespect i was shown in my previous post by an administrator who couldn't be bothered to take time and read my post properly to take in the suggestion that was embedded in my post of fury was appalling. but then again, i suppose it's not possible to fix stupidity and ignorance.

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Even if the staff responded instantly they would need video proof of the incident as they don't go off of what players say. You have to keep in mind that the staff team are also roleplayers and most of the time are busy in active roleplay. As for the other thing, calling staff stupid and ignorant will not get you anywhere except banned from the forums and this post being archived also. Flucifial is a great staff member and archived your post for a reason, calling him names is not smart.. at all, and like I said won't get you anywhere. Personally I suggest fixing your attitude before you end up banned from the forums.. just a suggestion.

Edited by xxxJustTimmy
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Not being rude... to make suggestions you have to state things that need improving. I understand now about the admins through the /report function. However, I initially stated I would like to see my suggestion about making the report system a bit better into consideration. But instead, I was responded to by a rude administrator who was obviously not bothered enough about my opinion to fully read the post and see, that in fact, there was a suggestion. So as I just said now, I have to make a comment about my experience with said administrator, and how they treated me. The only way I could describe their actions was with the words I used in my initial post. 

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All I see in both of your "suggestions" is complaining... you suggest that the report system be better, but how do you suggest they do that? If you have a problem and someone breaks the rules record the incident and report it on the forums. The staff team is going to say the exact same thing if you make a /report 4.

Player: /report 4 "someone just DM'd me" 

Staff: "Go make a forum report with evidence and it will be sorted there"

every single time I've ever done a /report in game it's followed by a conversation just like the one above. The server has a report section on the forums for a reason, and in my opinion it's really good and works efficiently.


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Another person who didn't read my post I guess... I said be more lenient on evidential aspects of the report system. Again, as I said in both my posts now, for someone who is not recording prior to the rule breaking (and someone who doesn't have the software you suggested), it's almost impossible to capture the rule-breaking incident. Even then, there should be something in the handbook about evidence of rule-breaking. I have been playing this server for a couple of months now and only was told today about software I should have to record evidence of rule-breaking. There should be more emphasis of these tools and how to go about reporting rule-breaking in the handbook, apart from "report it to an administrator". So there we have another suggestion. Hope you can comprehend that. 

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I understand your frustration but please refrain from insulting staff and / or other community members, all it does is harm your suggestion and stop the dialogue that could be a valid and reasoned discussion to help improve our server. 


6 hours ago, shaznechayeva said:

make evidential rules less strict. no one has time to record or screenshot during moments of panic, especially when they happen in the blink of an eye

Depending on the situation a moderator or above can review the recent logs of the players involved and determine what happened after discussing the situation with both players, however in certain scenarios it is extremely difficult to see whether a rule has been breached and would require proof for a punishment to be issued. Requesting you to place a report on the forums is a very useful tool as it allows for both parties to present evidence and their side of the story. If evidence wasn't required of some sort to pass punishment onto a player, what you suggest is just listening to hearsay, both parties would account completely different stories leading players just reporting each other because they weren't pleased with how a scenario played out. 

As suggested in your previous suggestion / rant by @xxxJustTimmy tools such as shadowplay and plays.tv are incredibly useful as they have such low system requirements and save the previous 5/10/15/20 minutes prior to you pressing a key, fortunately it will only save the footage you want limiting the need for excess storage for videos. As our rules state you need OOC evidence of a reason to kill another player, it's not too much to expect the majority of our playerbase to be recording. 


You must explain your reason to kill to the player IC and have OOC evidence proving your reason.

For further guides on setup and other related topics please review our setup guides very kindly made by members of the community. 


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