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Add (more) effects to drugs and other things

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I have some suggestion to add more effects to the characters for when they are hurt or when they took drugs. Also some messages to the player to let them know what they should RP. Here I got some idea's:



When shot:

Make the character go slower a tiny bit, no matter how badly it is.
(This is to make it more realistic that someone is shot. Most people RP they are shot when they are actually injured and shot multiple times).

Message to the player:
You are bleeding.

These effects and messages should not show up when having armour and the armour blocks the shots.


When fully injured:

Make the screen go black for a few seconds, no vision for the injured person, but still able to talk/hear.


When smoking marijuana:

Make the character get a tiny bit of health back, but makes it harder to drive for the player.
(This is to imitate the pain relief effect of it and a common short-term effect: lowered reaction time).

Message to the player:
Your heart beats faster and your eyes become red.


When using cocaine:

Person gets the nausea effect.

Message to the player:
You will have an increased rate of breathing and dilated pupils

Everytime the player uses meth while still having the effects, the player should lose some HP.


When using LSD:

Person gets the nausea effect and color flashes.
(To imitate the chance in sensual preception, breight colors and spinning stuff).

Message to the player:
You have dilated pupils, your heart rate increases and everything you see, feel and hear intensifies.


When using meth:

Person gets the nausea effect and possible other hallucinating effects (not sure which options are there).
(To imitate the common short-term effects).

Message to the player:
You have dilated pupils and your heart rate increases.

Everytime the player uses meth while still having the effects, the player should lose some HP.


When using heroin:

Make the character get a tiny bit of health back, but will get an overbrightend vision (if possible) and the nausea effect.
(This is to imitate the reduced sensation of pain, the light sensitivity effect and the nausea effect).

Message to the player:
You feel drowsy and you have a slowed heart rate.


When drinking a lot of alcohol:

Keep the current effect it currently has (also same amount for when the effect kicks in), but extend the time of the effect.
(I feel like the effect is really short if you compare it to the amount of full sized bottles you drink).

Message to the player once the player had multiple drinks in a short amount of time (So when the effects kick in):
You have a slowed heart rate.

Now I am 100% sure people got feedback/comments. I would like to inform why I think these effects should be added in the way I stated:

I looked on the forum and found a quite old topic about adding effects to drugs. The thing is, this suggestion was stopped, because it would take away the RP side of drugs and only benefit people. This is the reason why I suggest a minimal to no beneficial effect for the player using the drugs as I highly agree that it would take away the RP side of it. I believe the messages will also make the player more aware to what to RP. Personally, I look up what effects the drugs has when I take it so I can RP that, but that can take a good while.

For the other effects/messages in this suggestion: I sometimes even hear people saying: "Wait, did I get shot?", basically telling me players (also myself) are sometimes not able to tell if they should RP being shot or not. I think adding these effects will make it more clear when and what to RP.

Please do let me know what you think, what to add, what should chance or remove, as I am quite sure people got great idea's

Original post mentioned earlier by @TommyV:


Edited by Yputi
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