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Withdrawing firearms in a vehicle

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When on foot you are forced into an animation to put away and withdraw your guns, adding some delay. If people are aiming a gun at you and see you reach for your own gun they have the option of opening fire and putting several bullets into you before you can react.

If you are in a car and somebody aims a gun at you, you are able to swap to a weapon and shoot without any sort of delay or animation. There is no visual indication of them reaching when there realistically should be something. I had a friend aim a gun at some guys that rocked up; he ordered them to leave but they just pulled weapons and shot. He was within a metre of their vehicle and would have seen them bring up weapons and should have been able to shoot at least one of them down if not for the lack of animations when swapping to a weapon and also the fact that the animation going from seated to shooting is near instant.

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