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William_Mako (ID 5) Fail-RP/Powergaming?

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Player(s) being reported: ID 5
Date of interaction reported: 07/05/24
Unix time stamp from HUD: https://ibb.co/pdYhQnZ Probably 30-40 minutes prior to this

Your character name: Lukas Brooks
Other player(s) involved: N/A

Specific rule(s) broken:
Fail-RP - Throwing a ragdoll around to knock other players over is fail rp due to the unrealism?

Powergaming - Theres nothing you can do to avoid this. And the person doing the ragdoll always gets up first.

How did the player break the rule(s)?  (300 words maximum)
This guy worked at burger joint with me. This group kept coming back 4 or 5 times in 30-45 minutes. They injured me twice cops took me to pillbox. i went back to work and they just kept doing the same thing. No rule broken here just some backstory. Player 5 Kept making his character into a ragdoll and throwing it into me to knock me over. I believe throwing your ragdoll into someone multiple times to get an advantage in a fight or chase is fail-rp and partially powergaming. theres no combatant to this and its unrealistic.

Evidence of rule breach


Edited by GT52
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2 hours ago, Homast said:

William_Mako (ID 5)- Please provide your side of the events as they unfolded, as well as any POV you may have. Additionally, please answer the following question(s):

Why did you attack the reporting party?

Hello I dont have my pov since I wasn't recording, my story is that my first ever interactions with 41 ID were that he just started trash talking me, called my mom fat, showed me middle finger, but I just ignored that. Then he went outside and what I was told he started trash talking and baiting my friend Marcus, then Marcus started chasing him, beating him up until he did, then 41 ID called the cops on him, he escaped. Couple moments later 41 ID is back at the burgershot (till then I wasn't doing anything) he called the cops on him again, probably couple more times, and the last time he did I came outside, and I told the cops that Marcus went to another direction, when he wasn't. Then the cops left, I messaged Marcus 1 ID to come here to kill him, I didn't want to kill him, I just tackled him so its easier for 1 ID to do the job, but then 41 ID kicked me with his leg as you can see in his pov 0:54, so there was no coming back from there, I targeted him until I killed him. I had the reasons which I have explained. I am sure its enough. Have a good day!

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