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Vangelico Jewelry Store

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I have thought of an idea that would be a cool content update for us criminals out on Eclipse.


The exterior consists of a glass double door and a sign labeled " Vangelico "


The main interior consists of a managers office, 20 glass jewelry boxes, and a main reception desk with a cash register. Criminals would be able to smash into the boxes where not much expensive jewelry would be on display once the first is smashed the alarms would be raised, here is the twist. The good jewelry would be in the reception desk under the register in a safe. 


The safe would have to be drilled which would take a couple minutes which would also raise the alarms but this is where most of the money would be made inside the heist.

There should also be TWO npcs that would have to be held at gunpoint or alarms will be raised immediately, one possibly at the desk and one in the managers office.



There is already multiple cameras in the building but they need to be activated, these cameras would help law enforcement if not snipped.

This robbery would be on the more difficult side, not like your simple store robbery where you hold the register keeper and than dip. It would take numbers, planning and timing.  If you'd like to avoid the alarms you would need to time the opening of the safe and smash the boxes right after but if you do not have a lot of people you may not get all the boxes before the law is involved. 

There can also be another street NPC where you sell off the stolen jewels too. It would be a very risky but good paying heist sorta like the Fleeca Bank heist.

Love to hear some feedback, thx.

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