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Property access radius BUG

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So, I bought a new house on your server and it's my first property that I have. Before the purchase, I talked to the owner, he showed me where it is possible to build around the property itself and he showed me the interior, right now I'm trying to build a small garage, but I'm running into problems where the [Furniture] Access button is not shown on the door or gate, I contacted the administration on discord, where they nicely explained to me that the ACCESS radius is smaller than the build radius, but I would not say that this is the problem because I see that on the one side from the door I can access my door (furniture) normally, but on the other side I can't, and on the other side it is ten times more important to me because there is free space for building a garage, on the front side there is only a road, the administration told me that this is an oversight and that I should make a BUG report so that the developer team can continue the case.






Edited by senshay
personal mistake
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its same as my house's backyard which I can't access the UIs of the furniture placed there, being far away from the front door to access the UI isnt even a thing, I think its just not synced by the game itself because theres some invisible walls in my backyard that doesn't let me access the UI of the furniture 


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