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Response Templates 2023

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General Response Templates


Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon

Application Pending


Mister or Misses [Last Name]

Thank you for sending your application to [email protected] and for your patience.

We have reviewed your application, and now decided to take you into the next step which is a background check, after reviewing your background check you will hear back from us with our decision.

Kind Regards




Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Application Accepted - Pending Interview


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your application to [email protected] and for your patience as we've reviewed it.

We would like to continue with your recruitment process.

Please follow the next steps listed below.

  • Join our website ((Discord)) and make sure you register using the same name you used in your application ((In-game Name)) at www.LSC.com/application ((https://discord.gg/h3km9HC))
  • Read over the employee handbook HERE!
  • Come to Los Santos Customs within 7 days and request an interview.
    • Before requesting an interview you should prepare following steps listed below: 
      • We don't enforce a dress code but we appreciate you showing up in presentable clothes. 
      • Don't forget to bring your government-issued photo ID.  
      • Review our employee handbook

We wish you the best of luck with your interview.

Kind Regards,



Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Schedule an interview


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your application to [email protected] and for your patience as we've reviewed it.

Please reply below with your availability over the next week in the standard set below. 


(( All times are Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) /time ))

Monday: 00:00 - 00:00

Tuesday: 00:00 - 00:00

Wednesday: 00:00 - 00:00 

Thursday: 00:00 - 00:00 

Friday:  00:00 - 00:00 

Saturday: 00:00 - 00:00 

Sunday: 00:00 - 00:00 


Once submitted, a member of our HR team will be in contact to organize a time that works. 

We wish you the best of luck with your interview.

Kind Regards,





Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Application Denied


Mister or Misses [Last Name]

Thank you for sending your application to [email protected] and for your patience as we've reviewed it.

In Los Santos Customs our main goal is to strive for the best service and a healthy enjoyable environment for all of our employees, with this in our mind we have reviewed your application and sadly we do not believe you possess the qualities that we are looking for at this time.

Please don't let this discourage you, you are welcome to reapply in 1 week and we wish you all the best.

Your application was denied for the following reason

  • Reasoning. 

Kind Regards




Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Interview Result


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

We are happy to inform you that you have passed your interview with Los Santos Customs and we would love to continue your process. Welcome to our family! 

Please make your way to Los Santos Customs, seek a manager so you can receive your badge, and ask for a Trainer to conduct your training. For the time being, you will not be able to go on duty alone, we will make sure to get you trained as soon as possible.

  • Look over the handbook again so you are prepared for your training HERE!
  • Watch our training video for further preparation! HERE

Kind Regards



Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Interview Result


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for attending our interview. After taking the time to review your results with our team, sadly, we must inform you that we have decided to decline your application for the following reason

  • reason

We welcome you to reapply in 1 Week. Thank you for your time and your effort during the recruitment process. The Los Santos Customs team wishes you the best of luck in your search for employment. 

Kind Regards




Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Reinstatement Pending


Mister or Misses [Last Name],


Thank you for submitting a reinstatement application to [email protected] and thank you for your patience. 

This email serves as a confirmation that your application has been received and is currently under review. We will contact you as soon as we are ready to move your application onto the next stage.   


Kind Regards



Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Reinstatement Accepted


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your reinstatement to [email protected] and for your patience as we have reviewed it.

We have decided we would like to continue with your recruitment process. You will be reinstated as a [INSERT RANK].

Welcome back to our family

Please follow the next steps listed below.

  • Join our website ((Discord)) and make sure you register using the same name you used in your application ((In-game Name)) at www.LSC.com/application ((https://discord.gg/h3km9HC))
  • Read over the employee handbook HERE!
  • Watch our training video for further preparation! HERE
    • Please read over the segment titled "Reinstatement" located towards the end of the handbook.
  • Come to LSC within 7 days and speak to a member of management for your new badge and basic training if should you require it.

Kind Regards


Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Reinstatement Denied


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your reinstatement to [email protected] and for your patience as we have reviewed it.

In Los Santos Customs our main goal is to strive for the best service and a healthy enjoyable environment for all of our employees,

With this in mind we have reviewed your reinstatement and sadly at this time, it is not what we are looking for. Please don't let this discourage you, we welcome you to send in a regular application.

Your reinstatement was denied for the following reason

  • Reasoning. 

Kind Regards




Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Transfer Pending


Mister or Misses [Last Name],


Thank you for submitting a transfer application to [email protected] and thank you for your patience. 

We have reviewed your application, and now decided to take you into the next step which is a background check. We will also be contacting Bayview to confirm aspects of your work history. After reviewing your background we will contact you with our decision.


Kind Regards



Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Transfer Accepted


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your transfer request to [email protected] and for your patience as we have reviewed it.

We have decided we would like to continue with your recruitment process. You will be hired as a [INSERT RANK].

Welcome to our family

Please follow the next steps listed below.

  • Join our website ((Discord)) and make sure you register using the same name you used in your application ((In-game Name)) at www.LSC.com/application ((https://discord.gg/h3km9HC))
  • Read over the employee handbook HERE!
  • Watch our training video for further preparation! HERE
  • Come to LSC within 7 days and speak to a member of management for your new badge and basic training.

Kind Regards


Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Transfer Accepted - Pending Interview


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your transfer application to [email protected] and for your patience as we've reviewed it.

We would like to continue with your recruitment process.

Please follow the next steps listed below.

  • Join our website ((Discord)) and make sure you register using the same name you used in your application ((In-game Name)) at www.LSC.com/application ((https://discord.gg/h3km9HC))
  • Read over the employee handbook HERE!
  • Come to Los Santos Customs within 7 days and request an interview.
    • Before requesting an interview you should prepare following steps listed below: 
      • We don't enforce a dress code but we appreciate you showing up in presentable clothes. 
      • Don't forget to bring your government-issued photo ID.  
      • Review our employee handbook

We wish you the best of luck with your interview.

Kind Regards,



Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Applications Closed


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your job application to [email protected] and for your patience.

Our recruitment is currently closed but have no fear once it re-opens our team will look at your application. Please keep checking back every now and then on the status of your application and thank you once again for your patience.

Kind Regards




Image result for Los Santos Customs Icon
Application On Hold


Mister or Misses [Last Name],

Thank you for sending your job application to [email protected] and for your patience.

Your application is currently pending resubmission of


Kind Regards


Edited by Fishy941
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