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Historia Ordinis Templarii

The History of Ordo Templarii dates back to the middle ages, to the seven knights who discovered the ruins of the Temple of Solomon, and the treasures and knowledge hidden within. To the Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici, also known as the Knights Templar.

Upon their 'destruction' in the year 1312, the remaining knights of the order went into hiding. For centuries the operated in secret, cells only loosely linked by a singular high command. They infiltrated companies, governments and charities, dedicated to the protection of the church from enemies both within and without, and uprooting corruption wherever they saw it. 

The Ordo Templarii is a charitable organization operating in Los Santos. They are dedicated to rooting out corruption and crime at all costs, and from all organizations.  They are dedicated to hiding in plain sight. They attract Lawyers, Civil Servants, police and others that are dedicated to seeing corruption eliminated legally.

Ordo Templarii has been founded by Georges DeMolay, descendant of the last public Grandmaster of the Knights Templar.

All members of the Ordo Templarii must undergo a strict initiation ritual, pledging their loyalty to the Grandmaster himself, but above all to the greater good. Members pledge to follow the words that Jesus preached, and not the corrupted version that is spread today. They pledge to uphold vows of poverty, to help the poor and sick. To treat others the way they wish to be treated, and to defend the weak. Members believe that there is no one beyond redemption, but that sometimes violence must be used to encourage that redemption. 

The Ordo Templarii are devoted to charitable works, including community grants/funding, homeless shelters, and offering protection to those in need. These services are funded by donations from individual members/the community, or by government grants.


Leges Sanctae

There are ten Laws that all members must obey:

  1. Protect the weak and helpless
  2. Treat others the way you want to be treated
  3. Freely forgive those who seek forgiveness
  4. Love the individual, hate their sin
  5. Combat corruption wherever you see it
  6. Be compassionate to those deserving
  7. Retribution is just as necessary as compassion
  8. Live simply and freely, charity from the rich to the poor is required
  9. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business
  10. Accept that serving the cause means surrendering your soul to damnation


Ordo Structurae

High Command:

  • Magnus Magister: Georges DeMolay
  • Magnus Centurio: Vacant
  • Magnus Capellanus: Vacant

The High Command are responsible for the day to day operations and grand strategic coals. They will send orders to each individual cell who will then operate independently from all others. No cell will know what the others are involved in, nor will they work together. 

The High Command will also oversee all legal aspects of the order. Including any properties, charities, programs, etc.

Arm of the High Command:

  • Inquisitionis

The Inquisitionis answer only to the Magnus Magister. They are his fist and protect the high command at all times, from threats both within and without. They purge any and all corruption within the Ordo and though they answer only to the Magnus Magister, will remove him if he fails to abide by the laws or the order.

Cell Organization:

  • 1 Centurio
  • 1 Capellanus
  • 5-10 Eques

Centurio are the leaders of each individual cell. They answer only to the High Command. They are responsible for the initiation and policing of their own members. Should a Centurio fail are maintaining the high standards that all Eques and Capellanus must meet, they will be removed.

Capellanus are in charge of all philanthropic programs that the cell is part of.




In keeping with the tradition established centuries ago. White is the predominant colour, with red accents. These can be shoes, hats, gloves, pants or shirts, but the majority must be white. The Higher Command will remain this colour scheme, but with more formal clothing such as suits, sport jackets, etc.

Vehicles must maintain a similar colour, though in keeping with the vow of living simply, must remain modest, vehicles that 'the people' would own. All will obey this law, including high command. 

If face concealment must be used, it will remain red or white.

The Inquisition are clothed in black with red accents. Suits are a must.



Ooc rules

No need to be religious

No ooc toxicity 

IC actions remain IC

No XP requirements. Individuals are accepted on an individual basis 






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The order claims nothing as it's territory. It does not want to retain territory, the entire purpose is to remove any and all corruption. As of now, they operate out of local churches and community centers, with individual cells being given the freedom to choose where they operate from.



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The Order understand the necessity of dealing with certain crime families and gangs in order to promote its vision. The Order has currently set its sights on purging the corruption with the police, and removing those gangs who are an affront to nature. The Order has no formal agreements or disagreements with any one group, seeking only to remove the worst of the worst.



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Establish community grant fund to allow for members of the community to request aid 

Establish membership fund to allow for members without the means to pay for BAR exams and licences.

Establish legal clinic

Establish protection requests for the community who require aid. 

Establish a safe location for homeless individuals to sleep.

All services will be funded by member and community donations.

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As a devoted member of Ordo Templarii:

I pledge to aid the powerless and weak, offering them a shield against oppression.
I shall operate in plain sight, masking our true purpose from those who would oppose us.
With the cloak of charity, we shall extend our helping hand to those in need, offering hope and relief in times of despair.
I vow to use this veil of benevolence to combat corruption covertly, striking at its roots to create a more just world.
Our strength lies in compassion, for we shall bestow it upon those who truly deserve it.
I recognize that justice demands both retribution and mercy, and I shall wield them wisely, guided by our sacred mission.
In living simply, we shall share our abundance with the less fortunate, fostering a community of support and care.
I shall respect the privacy and autonomy of individuals, safeguarding their right to live as they choose.
With unwavering dedication, I embrace the weight of our cause, surrendering myself to its mission and accepting the risks it entails.
Should I falter and fail to uphold this oath, I willingly accept the consequences imposed by the order, knowing that the greater good depends on our commitment and unity. Let this knowledge fortify my resolve and bind me to the path of service and secrecy, forever and always. 

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Looking for some recruits, Georges works road crew, always the best place to locate possible new members. One speaks to him, a very promising young soul, but are they able to pass the test required of them? Only time will tell. Black and white, the ultimate duality, but sometimes things work in mysterious ways. 

fiat voluntas Domini



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After meeting with his newest potential recruits, and speaking with a few government employees. Georges has gone ahead and submitted a grant request for the Order's legal clinic. He hopes that with this funding, they will be able to provide legal aid to those in need and hold the corrupt police officers and government employees accountable. After all, why should the police and government be responsible for policing their own?

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After donning the colours, Georges has the recruits read and swear to follow the oath of the order. The recruits do so with no hesitation


After swearing the oath, they are formally inducted into the Order.


The newest members of the order, sword to protect those in need and fight corruption.


Dominus Vult


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With more members joining every day. Georges struggles to organize the list of new recruits and choose only the best candidates. The city has no shortage of people who are willing to help make a positive change, even ex-gang members who have never held a job in their lives, want something different, something that offers them just a little bit of hope. The Order is more than happy to provide that hope, after all, compassion is their main focus.





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After having recruited more individuals, Georges needs to figure out something for him to do. Members include the DOC, EMS, DCC, Lawyers and Gov. But what of Georges? Until the grant is provided, he needs something else to do.

After speaking to some members, and despite his reservations, he applies to the LSPD. After all, he has somehow gone unnoticed for all his actions. How better to root out the corruption within the LSPD than to join them.

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The Ordo Templarii is a Civ organization. It was originally intended to be a criminal one but after Roleplaying with people, having members join and stuff, it's less of a crim group and more of just people sharing a common goal of trying to improve things for the city. The organization has changed!

They focus on getting hired into positions, and uncovering it from the inside with support from people outside.

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The Ordo's first target is falling.

People are coming forward and sharing what they know. The pressure placed on him has made him crack. He is making mistakes. 

The first one will be gone, and none will know the reason behind it. Alex Deane's time is at an end


Goerges has joined the LSPD and become a cadet with the department. He bides his time and takes notes, gathering whatever evidence he can. Corrupt police will be held accountable, and the Ordo will gather the information required.




Dominus Vult




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A meeting with Equilibrium proved fruitful. They have legal services they wish to offer, but not enough legal individuals. The Ordo is entirely composed of legal individuals. A deal was struck, and a property offered.


Soon the Ordo will have their legal clinic up and running.

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After more training and observing of police officers, Georges has inducted two new members into the order. Their ranks are growing and soon they will have members in every legal organization in the city. The only one missing for now is the Sheriff's department.

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Herrmann Wolfe has all the information required and has informed Georges that an article will be coming out shortly. Whether or not it has been all fucked up because of the JB vs PD\SD\Governors is up for debate.


Been on vacation for the last two weeks so there's less from Georges, however there's like 20 other people who SHOULD BE POSTING IN HERE HINT HINT!

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