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Trevor Zelias

Server transparency suggestion

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This might be in the wrong suggestion post sorry if it is! Quite not sure where to put it


So to start of I'd like to say after being here from 10-20 players on my Richard Forth character it has gone REALLY far and good with updates and improvements, but as of lately that I think it is slowly becoming less and less updates the community really want and more what you guys think we want. The suggestions on the forum here is filled with great ideas and some less great.


Some stuff I'd love to see from either the Dev Team, Head Admins or whoever takes care of suggestions to forward them for the scripters and what not. Even having some transparency for the community who plays the server and keeps it alive. Posting either more updates of Dev stuff, saying what gets cancelled and what is getting focused on. Like for example the shared bank account or something that was posted 2021 or 2022 where did this go? Clearly it was an amazing and wanted thing to be added but it was just teased and posted about then nothing for many years. Some people like me are still wondering if it will come or if it was scrapped completely. Another example is the weapon update happening soon hopefully. It has been teased but really no updates or information that gets a player base "hyped" of some sort for it. Just been "oh its delayed" etc etc, I get that stuff happens in real-life and such but that is such a med/minor update for the game that wont really change the out-come of the server we used to love/love. I feel as the community really is not involved anymore. I hope this is not taken as either an attack or dissing anyone here on the server or admin team. Just I feel as we PLAYERS deserve more information on a server we donate on, buy VIP, buy Credits, spend hours and hours. We make the server if you really do the deep thinking.


Some suggestions that can be easily done with the transparency for the development of the server. Is adding a Tellor(I think its called that sorry if not) for the % of updates and how far in development they are. And also adding some sort of Suggestion Team for the admins where they will also forward the community suggested thing for the Coders and Scripters for the server Paulius and Osvaldon as mostly I see random post from Mods/Support Team +1 here and there and "This is a good suggestion" but it gets now where and usually don't get implemented into the server. As I feel it is not checked by our main coder/scripters/Dev Team. This could easily be fixed with either Tellor as I said, Discord channel for this Admin Team to post the highly +1 post and if it is possible/good idea that really caught their eyes they will either maybe react to it in the discord(Private Channel) And the Suggestion Team will forward it to the player base saying if it was good or bad and maybe some explanation of why it was Denied, Approved or This and that wont work but it was a good idea.


I really hope this receives some good feed back from everyone this is not supposed to hurt or make anyone upset. I just want the server to grow and not decline in players. It is really time to take care of what you actually have and take care of it.



Tellor Website for updates and how far into development they are, more transparency within the Dev Team to post on suggestions if good or bad. New Admin Branch/Team for Suggestion part of forums for posting updates if approved or denied suggestions. And listen more to community suggestions then your own "what I think is best and good for the server"





Much Love, Trevor Zelias. 

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So, Just checked the development channel as well here is clearly the issue that I'm stating here it says on 07/01/2023 (July 1st 2023) That the update will come out next week. But there have not been any official announcement of what is happening with this update it is soon to be 3 weeks since it was "supposed" to have a release. Just to get more context to the suggestion and thing I'm talking about here. And once again before someone comments, Yes Real Life issues. Server issues and such will happen but that is why we need to get some updates, transparency or just simple "Oh this happen we can't release it for couple of weeks reasoning: vacation blabla.


Since sadly there was no update after the bank/credit card update was not talked about at all or said it was cancelled maybe if you scroll up ages and ages in general chat which gets sent messages MANY MANY per day so it is impossible for some to see it. 

Really this is a good opportunity to change and adapt for something new and becoming more of a "community" with us players instead of not being apart of it. we PLAYERS who play here everyday want to know what is going to change to the server we LOVE. And have our input and disagreements with these updates.

I really hope for a change with the suggestion. Seeing as clearly there is a issue for the past 3 weeks with announcements and such. 

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Been a while and I hope this was really read and taken in a good way. Some things have definitely been improve. Really good to see that and such but the suggestion boxes have gotten many many more +1 and many -1 and good suggestions that would fit good into the community but I see there isn't really any Dev interaction there yet (again). Really was hoping this was taken to them and spoken about I think we as a community paying for this server and most likely much more then is needed (nothing bad here don't take it as such). Deserve more information and knowledge of where it is all going and coming from, A Trellor page would once again make this a good things for US as PLAYERS to see where your focus is updating, fixing and adding into the server, And showing the plans of how it will go in the future.

As an "OG" and been here since 2017 not active from 2017 to 2020 or what it was to 100%. but from 2020/2021 I was active and played over 3k hours on here and such and damn it was fun but slowly lost it shine because of the scrapped updates and nothing else to do exepect either sit at Bayview and do /fix /modview and all or be PD and/or SD and just drive casually around and do a shoot out here and there, Nothing have really been added as far as RP goes and Civilian things goes it is dry for many people here I think as of 2022 (for me). I really want to get my fire and shine back into here. I REALLY WANT TOO, was back in 2023 a bit played for couple of weeks/months but nothing was new it was the same old thing. Some people hosting a event there, some there and typically it is admin hosted and yeah they are great. But lacking in many aspects.

Also with The Event team, I fucking love you all but you have been put a bit on a leash on what and what not you cant do. I remember the criminal airplane event that happen and such after it some issues within the community these good and fun event was completely GONE from the server not sure what happen there but they were great and fun. The heist on the Money Truck (was in PD back then) LEGIT the MOOOSSTTTT fun in ages I had within the server I really want to say @Timmaayy (probably you who hosted it in the server and did your ideas to it if not SORRYF OR TAG ❤️ ) But YEAH they were fucking amazing and hilarious and YEAHHH ofc some people got upset "i lost a .50, I lost a shotty" etc, some peopel can't accept that they lose sadly but that should not be a thing that stops you The EVENT team from doing these I really hope they do come back if so you will 99% see me come back into the server and do them. As well as there is many many things you could plan with a bank heist, drug lab heist and many things but you're like leashed or something from the past complain that happen but I do understand both views of it but making a rule section with the Events and such would make this really really possible

I seen the server go from having almost monthly posts in the Dev chat, with teasers and good ideas but some turned down by them but people waiting on it and then it never happens -- ONE example was the credit card system with possible sharing accounts and all was hyped and looked forward by many old people and then it was just casually removed/NEVER talked about again -- It would be good to have some updates on a Trello site with it and all. 

Thanks again from me. Love you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️ 

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28 minutes ago, Trevor Zelias said:

I remember the criminal airplane event that happen and such after it some issues within the community these good and fun event was completely GONE from the server not sure what happen there but they were great and fun. The heist on the Money Truck (was in PD back then) LEGIT the MOOOSSTTTT fun in ages I had within the server

It was a shit show of DM and rule breaks, parts were fun for sure but it just didn’t work overall. I wouldn’t say it was a leash put on as I believe it was a decision between event team and faction services. Keep in mind, what staff saw is more of a bigger picture than one or two people’s experience in the events.

also idk if you saw the latest dev post from osvaldon and he also mentions the updates based on it that are coming.

As I’ve mentioned in other threads on this topic, it’s a lose-lose situation for the devs in terms of communication. More communication means basically committing to certain updates, more so if it’s not ones they’ve started work on, which causes tensions if they can’t or don’t work on it, or the priority order. But then also people dislike when there’s little communication.

I think the basic level of communication that would be most ideal is “this is what’s currently actively being worked on”, and nothing beyond that. The bank account changes are a good example of something that left a sour taste in some people’s mouths after it effectively has been scrapped after being teased.

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On 10/30/2023 at 1:39 PM, Ash said:

It was a shit show of DM and rule breaks, parts were fun for sure but it just didn’t work overall. I wouldn’t say it was a leash put on as I believe it was a decision between event team and faction services. Keep in mind, what staff saw is more of a bigger picture than one or two people’s experience in the events.

also idk if you saw the latest dev post from osvaldon and he also mentions the updates based on it that are coming.

As I’ve mentioned in other threads on this topic, it’s a lose-lose situation for the devs in terms of communication. More communication means basically committing to certain updates, more so if it’s not ones they’ve started work on, which causes tensions if they can’t or don’t work on it, or the priority order. But then also people dislike when there’s little communication.

I think the basic level of communication that would be most ideal is “this is what’s currently actively being worked on”, and nothing beyond that. The bank account changes are a good example of something that left a sour taste in some people’s mouths after it effectively has been scrapped after being teased.

Really good answer and I do see what you mean by this fully, as yes a Trello with it and such if something fail or just messes up fair like the Bank update.

And onto the Event thing yes admins sees the whole picture with invis and specating what was happening seeing if X shot X for no reason. A civilian got shot here by X person and such it probably MOST likely happen and hence why I said we need more of a rule with the events and such where it wont happen instead of completely removing the entire thing that was planned and such. I feel as its been 1+ year now since last event with crim and PD having these (maybe?). But I have my OWN thought and feelings with this that it should really be tested again to make the server more alive then it currently is adding more "daily happenings" with the city like some FiveM servers have (might be a limit since we are on Rage) power cutting off since I remember (might be server bugged the fuck out) but all lights and such was off imagine making a admin planned robbery with scripts and such with this. I really want a "monthly, weekly and Daily changes" Like just the Event Team and Devs work together making maybe one road have a real "oil leak" might be HARD/IMPOSSIBLE to make where it is under consucuction with some scripted things instead of just /placeblockade or what the command was. Just more activity within the server. Hope I made clear what I wanted to get out might make 0 sense.

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