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selling/trading ready-to-go high-tier, luxury modern style bar/restaurant. It has the owner's personal office, which looks at everything inside the property.
the following property also has a security room with its own locker. the property itself is designed by highly skilled designers and the furniture is one of the most luxurious in the city.

The property is located at Rockford Dr. 2 (right behind the city hall).

I am currently looking for offers including property-cash wise (LowBallers will be ignored)for more info please contact 4131370.

-Doors are open-

https://prnt.sc/7CLr_1IlXO9W https://prnt.sc/lQdmlngWD5WJ https://prnt.sc/cD0feTgYbR6r https://prnt.sc/7FCYy4pjxjue https://prnt.sc/OBwArIwfAgK5 https://prnt.sc/k9jq5QbLrilS https://prnt.sc/lUvbZ9HMLWx8 https://prnt.sc/nUwkzRMpBjA6 https://prnt.sc/BcyuJcp9lQQK https://prnt.sc/Y-SSEZj3O8VW https://prnt.sc/JzxaXNo4Bfzv https://prnt.sc/ttR4EDpr6zo0 

Edited by vajo
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