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Add Vehicle Repair Toolkit

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I understand don't get me wrong, im guessing any kind of faction has trouble during the lower population hours. The recent LSC issues are only temporary and will be fixed eventually, no need to destroy the roleplay for that. Also LSC might have some trouble now but Bayview is doing good so just drive there then. Also when there are no mechanics on duty you can fix your own car in the booth.

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1 hour ago, Tom Solar said:

Just drive there then

I completely understand your point, and I am not against any factions, especially when it comes to government factions. However, my concern is not about repairing a normal vehicle - I am specifically referring to stalled vehicles. Two days ago, someone stole one of my cars and left it completely stalled, and yesterday, another one of my cars stalled. Unfortunately, I had to wait for two and a half hours before a mechanic came online and accepted my request to fix one of my cars.

You may suggest that I could have pushed my car instead of waiting for 2.5 hours, but pushing a car is also bugged, especially when turning vehicles.

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They could definitely program it in such a way that you can only use a repair kit when no mechanics are on duty. 

Next to that, you could program it so that you first need to be trained in the use of a repair kit by the mechanics. 


Implementing this suggestion with the above 2 criteria, would not make mechanics useless. In fact, it would only create more work for them due to training people to use a repair kit. 

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Make the repair kit only repair the vehicle to 350 so its barely drivable to at least get it to a mechanic or the repair booth. This won't impact mechanics at all since it will still be at such low durability, if you hit the car into anything, it will stall and not start again. 

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Maybe they can design a repair kit thats only buyable/usable when there are 0 mechanics online, costs like 5k, one time use, minigame to use and weight like 25kilo and still only fixing it till 350.

This way when you crash you will need to call friends or a cab to get the repair kit and get it back to your car, this will also stop people from driving around with repair kits already in their car in case they crash.

I like the idea of having to be trained on the kit, friendgroups could have that one friend who knows how to fix cars. 

Still like the idea of a "repair kit" is very unrealistic, just imagine fucking going off the mountain, doing barrel rolls, totaling your car completely, there is no way you can make the car driveable without having it being taken to a shop.

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