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Animal spawners, Danger/worth tiers

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My suggestion is to add different tiers of animals to the map. and different locations.

adding new icons in to the mix as well with 4 different colours Green, YellowRed and Blue icons to be exact. These icons would be used to show what type of animals will spawn in that area.


The different type of colour/animal would signal how those animals would behave and how hard it would be to hunt them down and kill them.


a9f0fba7d490f7a39bd9f55515f541e0.png Green icon (Non-Hostile animals)

This icon would show you were non hostile animals roam. Animals that will run away from you no matter what you did to them. They are no threat to you and are very simple to hunt and kill.

  • Rat 
  • Chicken/Hen
  • Pig
  • Pigeon
  • Rabbit
  • Seagull



31709b57a3df08c84effdfed805c9a17.png Yellow icon (Unpredictable animals)

This icon would show you were unpredictable animals roam. Animals that can ether decide to run away upon interaction or decide to attack you. These animals are not a threat unless provoked but can be a risk to your health if you decide to hunt them.

  • Deer
  • Cow
  • Cormorant
  • Crow
  • Coyote
  • Hawk
  • Boar



07435d861ced1694b82a64e603b9ce72.png Red icon (Hostile animals)

This icon would show you where hostile animals roam. Animals that will always attack you if they detect you or if you harm them. They are stronger and faster then other animals and will do anything to kill you. These animals are very high risk as they will not just injure you. but also finish you off unless stopped.

  • Cougar
  • Panther



fbf3b741e8a03b253e979dff73919063.png Blue icon (Sea animals)

This icon would show you where sea animals would roam. Animals that can only be found in the sea. This icon is very unpredictable as you could find anything from a small fish to a shark roaming in these areas, making them risky to hunt in.

  • Fish
  • Dolphin
  • Tiger shark
  • Hammer head shark
  • Hump back whale
  • Killer whale
  • Stingray




This change would allow for more use of boats. Would also add  more risk/reward to hunting. you could safe it by going for non hostile animals for less money or go for hostile animals for a good chunk of change. or take a boat and some friends and head out to sea. 

The /gut-ing of sea animals would be done by driving the boat over where the dead body is and do /gut and swim down to where the body is and looting it.

Edited by inorigj
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+/- 1

I absolutely love the suggestion of adding more ways to hunt and just updating the hunting system so MASSIVE +1 to a hunting overhaul.

I say -1 to this specific suggestion of adding animals that will attack you. As of right now hunting is done by a lot of criminals with knives as we simply can't go out with a gun or we'll be arrested. With a system like this that animals attack back it essentially means a LARGE majority of the people who hunt would only be able to go to green areas to hunt as they'd end up dying if they tried to go anywhere else.

Also animals are desync as fuck a lot of the time, so making them able to hit you would result in you getting randomly damaged without even seeing an animal.

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18 minutes ago, Herbo said:

Also animals are desync as fuck a lot of the time, so making them able to hit you would result in you getting randomly damaged without even seeing an animal.

yeah. i can see that being a big issue that would need to be resolved before that could be a thing

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