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activity on server

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I am a new member and I recently joined the Eclipse server, took the test and today logged on. While in game I spawned at the police station as it asked me to choose a spawn point. Anyway...I can hear traffic but I see nothing, I thought I was alone until I saw a few players driving and at the hospital getting picked up and driving off, another player tried to give me a ride but I couldn't open the car door. Sorry if I am posting in the wrong section

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Hey! We currently do not support A.I people within our server, however, during the prime times, we will have anywhere from 100 to 200 players in the server! 

To enter another vehicle as a passenger, press G. 

We have a section with many useful guides that may be of interest to you for you to start off. https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/51-faq-server-guides/

You made this post in the Bug Reports section, but as there is no bug here, this will be archived.

If you have any further questions, feel free to join our discord server to ask questions in #i_have_a_question: y2gxAjg

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