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[SOLD] 'Bug-Out' Panto | Escape Your Commitments Today!

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Quick! They are here, and you need to get out of dodge! Who is it, you ask? It doesn't matter, it could be anyone; the police, your annoying family, the rival gang, or even those weird elves you have been seeing since you stopped your medication! 


Introducing your one-stop solution to your escaping problems - The Bug-Out Panto.


Prefitted with Essential Bug-Out Gear

Look at that roof rack, what even is in all those bags? Well, friend, I will tell you that it is every essential item that you need for a 40-day off grid adventure! It does not matter if you are on the run or if there has been a LSPD Coup, you will be covered in any event. This car is a MUST-HAVE for any serious survivalist. 




Tiny and Compact

You can fit this car just about anywhere, this comes in extra handy when parking or when having to covertly drive down a narrow alleyway to avoid that weird black van that has been following you for six hours. Tiny does not just mean easy parking, the manoeuvrability and turning circle on a car this small is incomparable!




Ultra Sleek and Custom License Plate Included

A delicious purple design that is scientifically proven (sources not available) to disrupt government microwaves. A very special licence plate is included, which has the very common name of 'HERRMAN' on it! What a treat!


Do not delay, call the number below today with an offer to secure your escape route!

# 298-4429

This car is not maxed so offer me pretty much anything and I will accept it.







Edited by Herrman_Wolff
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