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Unable to select characters [CoolJVDog

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Date and time (provide timezone): 11:42 PM Pacific time 16/12/2018 

Character name: Nigel Dickons and Owen Baxtor 

Issue/bug you are reporting: Unable to select characters in the select menu

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: To be honest I really don't know what happened in the span of three days as those three days I was moving out of my house and into an apartment. After a long 5 hours of running around in the attic and finally getting myself some internet I was able to log in and hope I was gonna be able to do my interview for the DOC. Only to find out that I was unable to Select a character or well any of them for that matter. It gets weirder The fact that the Panel says they are still there but they are not registering on the game. Someone said they could have been wiped and if so I have no clue what I've done to get them wiped and would be willing to make an appeal to get them back. Or if you can simply bring them back it would be nice too. I have no idea how to replicate this. I've also done everything in my power to fix it such as: Validate game files, Re logging, Re-downloading server content, Re-installing Rage, as well as Re-installing GTA. None of them of course worked. Thank you. 


 image.thumb.png.b6ed81d56eafe1f6de53f04e6aa2fd26.png image.thumb.png.d9f2c10d32198fe5283dd418f2e61c22.png

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