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Mightygrinds - Cody James (Name Change/Dontor Role/Help With Extra Forum Accounts I Made)

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Issue Being Reported: First thing is that I want to change this forum account name from "Thomas Jay" to "MightyGrinds". Second thing that I would like to have a Donator role as I have attached the screenshot to the bottom of this post. Lastly I would like to see if I could delete or how I would handle me having 2 extra forum accounts both with my other characters names , When first joining this server I thought that the forum was like the government website and made 2 extra forum accounts for my other 2 characters ( "Cody James"- https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/profile/164446-cody-james/   and "Barry James" -  https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/profile/141893-barry-james/ )  I would like to delete those accounts and just make this my main one, so if any reports or anything I get mentioned to doesn't cause confusion. Thank You! 

Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): August 1st, 2022 10:36 PM EST

Your characters name: Cody James / Barry James / Thomas Jay

Other player(s) involved: N/A

Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: 2071501294_DonatorRole.thumb.png.43f9c18516ccbaae1c6340da061ec2b5.png

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