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Adrian Johnson

Weather & Car Radio

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Hello Community,

I want to bring up two things today and thats the rain weather and the car radio.

Rain weather:

It is straight up cancer, sorry idk what else to say about it. I have no clue what the regulation is between the different weathers but 90% of the time i play i have this damn rain weather and it basically forces me to turn off the audio due to my soundcard + studio headset is super sensitive and gives crystal clear sound (Still active in the FPS scene so i got the advantage with the the soundcard and headset, i even tried to fix some settings in my soundcard software but yh results are basically the same). I would not have a problem if we have that weather once per 4 IRL hours or something but at current time its just super annoying.

Please completly remove it or reduce that kind of weather.

Car radio:

Scenario: I step into my car that i took out of my mansions garage => Radio turns on when i start the car but i ofcourse turn it OFF => Arrive at store and just lock my doors, i did not turn the engine off => Buy my stuff and go back to the vehicle that has sill its engine on => Radio is ON again for some reason on again, for what reason and what is the logic behind it?

Is there any possiblity to fix that aswell or completly remove it? Everyone i know for a longer time turns that thing off either way due to its also loud and just straight up annoying.



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