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Danny Grape

Exterior Building

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So, at what point does a person catch a break on this server? I bought this house and wanted a brick wall around to keep people from snooping. I had a front door and a rear door to my wall that enclosed the front of my property and yes you could access the house door. the wall didn't look bad, in fact I got multiple remarks on how it was liked. before I completed the wall i did a /report 1 to ask if everything looked good. I spoke with staff and addressed a couple minor issues that I immediately fixed. when I finished the wall today and did the same thing. /report 1 and asked if everything looked good. this time I got different staff that said they hated all of it and non of it they liked. claimed my wall looked "unnatural". well I don't know about you but where im from brick walls don't just grow out of the ground, people want them so they build them. so now i have to tear 25k worth of walls and stuff down because one staff said one thing and the other said something different. that doesn't seem right to me. there should be a standard that all staff base there decision on instead of  one thinks this and one thinks that. basically what my suggestion is is that the owner of the property should be able to have more say over their property or there should be just set building rules. because I lost a lot of money over a he said she said deal and thats only because the staff had different views on building code. the other issue i have is it was never explained on how i could fix the wall to make everyone happy i was just forced to remove everything completely and got told  to "figure it out on my own." 

Edited by Danny Grape
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On 1/24/2022 at 12:02 PM, dominykas said:

People have different opinions. Nothing you can do about it, just try make it as realistic as possible and if you can't manage that I suggest you don't build a wall at all. Even if you don't like people looking around at your house.

That makes no sense. It shouldn't be based on each individuals opinion. That's not in any way realistic. You ever heard of a "City Code"? Google it and educate yourself. Theres a  building code for pretty much every city or town in the U.S. How hard is it to make a list that states some basic rules? Its not. Some one has just been to lazy or its been overlooked. Either way on a server with the capability of having 200+ people on it you cant possibly argue that it would be a bad idea to make a simple list for basic stuff. I mean do you know what its like to build something then find out that all the money you spent was basically wasted its very frustrating especially if you don't have a easy way to make money.


                                                                                             RULES FOR BUILDING 

1. Make sure your materials match the environment. (examples- If you live in the city no halls higher than existing fences or stomach high)


3. No Floating floors!


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On 1/24/2022 at 12:02 PM, dominykas said:

People have different opinions. Nothing you can do about it, just try make it as realistic as possible and if you can't manage that I suggest you don't build a wall at all. Even if you don't like people looking around at your house.

Another more reasonable idea is if you set a building code they could make a code enforcement job for the courthouse to help with people making requests related to  building as i feel staff dont really like taking the reports for help, it would also create a better variety of realistic jobs adding to the rp experience. 


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On 1/24/2022 at 1:02 PM, dominykas said:

People have different opinions. Nothing you can do about it, just try make it as realistic as possible and if you can't manage that I suggest you don't build a wall at all. Even if you don't like people looking around at your house.

This is basically saying... get over the fact that admins have differing opinions? If the rules were straight forward and not up for debate then this wouldn't even have to be an issue. Clearly when it comes to building and whether or not it "improves the environment" is up to the beholder. I've had to tear down 50k+ outdoor builds and labs over and over again because they don't follow "building rules". However, according to the "building rules" it only says :

1. Building Rules

  • Players may only build structures on property owned or given permissions to.
  • Structures must not be placed during active RP or to create obscene shapes.
  • Structures must follow the rules of real-world physics. i.e. Furniture cannot be floating.
  • Property storage spaces must be accessible, visible, and not blocked by structures.

What this doesn't cover are these supposed "lab building rules". As criminals and civilians are now not allowed to customize their home/apartment/exterior to their liking because... admins?

I want to talk for a second about how NRP homes and apartments are to begin with. In what world would every home you buy ALREADY BE FURNISHED?  and in what world would you NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE PREVIOUSLY PLACED FURNITURE? The fact that this is not taken into consideration when allowing people to build/raise floors makes me sad as you will never find a city that has only furnished houses/rooms to buy.

How many times do you drive down city street and see a house and think... that's a little out of place? If you live where I do... ALL THE TIME. This is largely due to the fact that people IRL are allowed to do... WHATEVER THEY WANT WITH THEIR PROPERTY. This however, does not always extend to the exterior as their are HOA's, however that's something you'd expect to see go into effect in something like the mirror park area. Not out in Sandy... (where I had to tear down a 50k+ exterior build.

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+/- honestly having structures made as realistic as possible makes the most sense because if you were to build something that looks out of the ordinary it won't improve roleplay if anything it'll make scenery look unnatural. on the other hand, I do believe in construction and anything can be built obviously depending on the conditions of the area such as if it is soil or sandy.

Edited by olivern389
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Please refer to the newly updated, detailed, and expanded building rules.

The new rules offer better communication as to what is allowed and what is not allowed, additionally to assist a more "uniform" way of looking at builds when determining if they are deemed to be NRP or not.


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