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Eclipse server was moved to GT:MP platform

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Hello, Eclipsers! I want to tell players, who do not use our Discord server, that the GTA:Network server has been transfered to a new platform - GT:MP, it's an enhanced version of GTA:Network and we're testing it to see if it reduces crashing and other performance issues, the mod can be downloaded here: https://gt-mp.net/download/


The server has stopped crashing because of API functions, which increased it's uptime, also players have reported an increase in FPS, however client-side crashing and desync are still a common problem and will remain until GTA:Network is updated.


  • GT:MP should be installed outside of the GTA V folder, just like GTA:Network
  • It's advised to keep GTA:Network, at this point there is no need to uninstall it
  • You should create a new folder for GT:MP, do not install it on top of GTA:Network

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