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About Lilithless

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  1. Between a sharp pain on her shoulder and the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, Lilith stood up. Everything happened too fast and not even then, when tears of impotence and anger were caught by the bandana covering her face, the time could be wasted. Just a couple of minutes ago she was the passenger in a car driven by a friend, the tension the last couple of days was tangible between Los Santos Royals and BSB, so when a shootout started everyone was ready to roll. She got into a car with one of the members and they made their way through the highway to the entrance of the lumber yard. The positioning was good, covered by some trees but at the same time in high ground. The driver was the first one out of the car, he was faster and had a lot more experience, she followed but in that moment a black car pulled behind them. It was like a movie in slow motion; two guys got out of the vehicle dressed in dark clothes while carrying guns, her friend was a little further away, he couldn’t see the strangers approaching from his back. She took a breath to try and scream his name, but before any sound could get out of her mouth all the air exited her lungs in a moan of pain and her body was thrown against the car she was exiting, then again, a brute force made her crash into the car and finally onto the floor. There was no time to scream, to move or even to feel pain, a couple of gunshots followed but they were not for her. From the dirt she saw how those men took the life away from her friend and just as fast as they came, they left. Blood was covering her hands, her legs didn’t seem to work and she was starting to get dizzy. That’s when all the sound and feeling returned to her body, police sirens getting close and the burning sensation on her shoulder, it was over, she was going to die there, or worse, get arrested. The noise of a motorcycle scared her but the next thing she heard was the voice of John Robertson asking her how she was. Her first instinct was to quickly tell him to go away, the police were already surrounding the place and he could just drive away easier alone, but he refused “Nobody stays behind”. At that moment Lilith knew she could not go against him, so she grabbed his hand and stood up feeling how all the world was spinning around her. She wasn’t able to get in the bike with him or even move that much so he left his vehicle behind and carried her into the woods. The woods around Mount Chilliad are difficult to navigate, even more while dragging an injured person and running away from a crime scene, but that didn’t matter, John was able to get her into a save spot where he took a better look at her injuries, it was bad, he helped her bandaging the open wounds and making sure she wasn’t losing too much blood. — Thank you — She mumbled while trying to not make much noise. — Don’t worry, we’re family — an answer that was recieved with a smile. Lilith’s time in Los Santos Royals had always been good, but that day she was sure that she had found the right place. John ended up going back to his bike after leaving her in a safe place, ready for the paramedics to take care of her. He managed to drive away from the situation and she was picked up by an ambulance in the woods, away from all the police movement, and transported to the hospital to get a full recovery. She never knew if it was destiny or pure luck that she was alive, but she was there because John didn't leave her behind, she was there because of her family.
  2. Wake up She opened her eyes to a small black kitten trying to wake her up by walking on her chest, the cuteness made her smile and pet the cat gently. Now, more awake, looked to her side and saw her husband still fast asleep, a lot of things ran through her mind in that moment. Since her early childhood Lilith’s life was what others would consider perfect, a nice middle class family living in a quiet neighborhood, always had food on her table and a good education. She was the embodiment of the nice girl next door, but always felt empty, like something was missing in her life, day by day the only thing keeping her going was the scary feeling of not being a disappointment. That was until her 18th birthday, the day something changed in her, there were no more obligations by her family, school ended, and now she could start living her own life which was terrifying. Only one thing made sense in her mind, arts, her only known and actually recognized talent, drawing, painting, filmmaking, photography, design, writing, music, she was good at it. True Colors “But to say that I’m a rainbow, to tell me that I’m bright When I’m so used to feeling wrong, Well it makes me feel alright.” A Communications degree, multiple odd jobs and a bunch of tries made her realise that arts was not a viable source of income, which meant that once again her life lacked purpose. Was at the early months of her 24th year of life that the traveling started, with the goal of finding something more and maybe herself along the way, Lilith, went to every place that could cross her mind. Different cities, different countries and languages, a bunch of different cultures, somehow curiosity and fascination with knowing new things kept her busy for years. It wasn’t until she put a foot on Los Santos that the realization hit her, a city with such a variety of people, so many and very weird opportunities, maybe this was her place. Los Santos was known for not being the safest place on earth, but that was just part of the excitement and she wanted to experience it all. The pier on Del Perro was her first stop and she was up to an amazing start, meeting all kinds of people and even making friends. Was that same spot in the city where she met the most amazing characters and even the man that would end up becoming her husband. Also, that was the place where she started to learn about the nasty side of town; gangs, robbery, the night life and drug dealing. She became a mechanic at Los Santos Customs but after getting to love the staff realized that the people that she started to appreciate were in one place. Los Santos Royals. Royal Blood The beginning was difficult and full of prejudice, they are a gang, they do illegal stuff, they rob people, steal cars, produce drugs, they are also friendly, take care of their people, they’re fun, they are family. This last statement was what made her start to get closer to the people in the group, resign to her job at LSC and finally, with a little bit of help, ask to join them. Since day one all the members were welcoming and kind, laughter was all encompassing and in times when they needed to be serious they had each other's back. With a lot to learn, Lilith, started as a Jester on LSR, and that was the best decision ever. That was it, she didn’t have to keep looking around, no more going place to place trying to find herself, she realised that she already found what she needed, love, fun, purpose… family.
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